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LatteGratte February 22, 2024 10:20 am

I feel like people care about Hestia too much while disregarding Cael’s perspective. Hestia is doing this revenge for her own satisfaction and personal vendetta, and Cael is just going along with it. Cael is the one who’s the victim hereHe’s doing the bare minimum? He literally tried to kill himself and is still healing. They are the ones who drove HIM to the lowest of the lows, to the point he wanted to end his life. I really find it ridiculous to say he’s not trying, when he really is trying his best to heal for Hestia. I think he takes priority.

    Sayo2594 February 22, 2024 11:50 am

    Exactly! Like why would he want to dwell on this and keep hate in his heart. Like he’s trying to be happy and move on

    Ohmarwin February 22, 2024 2:14 pm
    Exactly! Like why would he want to dwell on this and keep hate in his heart. Like he’s trying to be happy and move on Sayo2594

    EXACTLY!! And he is (or will be) totally, madly in love with Hestia... And will ask her to stop that revenge...bc hestia is like she took it to personally..and at some point call doesn't care anymore of that and the other two...he just wants to be with his love hestia

    LatteGratte February 22, 2024 5:44 pm

    Yes. Cael is not a vengeful person. We knew this from the get go. His way of “revenge” is being indifferent and nonchalant to those who caused him pain, and living a happy life with his beloved Hestia. He lets them deal with their own business. I genuinely cannot fathom how people thought he still loved Diana just because he didn’t want her *spoiler* deposed. So ridiculous. I can understand being upset that Diana didn’t get the suffering they wanted her to get, but will never understand thinking Cael still loves her.

    Ohmarwin February 22, 2024 7:58 pm
    Yes. Cael is not a vengeful person. We knew this from the get go. His way of “revenge” is being indifferent and nonchalant to those who caused him pain, and living a happy life with his beloved Hestia. He ... LatteGratte
