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sin February 23, 2024 1:22 am

How can this shitty man be the ML! HE SA’D HER!!! This shit is bollocks and I hate it! EVEN IF HE SECRETLY LOVED HER HE STILL RAFED HER AND NEVER COMMUNICATED PROPERLY!!!!!! AAAGHHHH ITS SO FRUSTRATING ISTG I’m quitting this immediately! I will only suffer trying to read this shit (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

    Aki February 23, 2024 5:19 am

    It is pretty bad that he practically sa’d her but they can’t stop or else the nobles and the queen dowager will problems for them (pretty sure knowing the empress dowager)

    Compared to some red flag ml this one is more yellow… orange? Anyway aside from the forcefulness/sa’d and the miscommunication he’s kinda an ok ml.

    Plus it’s ig an influence from his despair and anger cuz she sided with the empress dowager instead of him. But like how she gonna choose u when u don’t even try to catch her heart☠ she might like u but it’s her first time and there’s people so she’s scared dude but he had to go and misunderstand shit