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Spoiler Honestly was only here for the family stuff, but then the dad is conveniently at...

max2payne0 February 23, 2024 8:15 pm


Honestly was only here for the family stuff, but then the dad is conveniently attacked and goes under a coma just when they're about to meet, then one of her bros has to be way fighting, and we get the 5 year time skip so the MC can have her romance.

Dad wakes up at chap 90. So we barely get to see any father daughter interactions before the big showdown.

I also really liked Olaf, so I'm sad with what happened to his character, I'd be more upset if I hadn't read a spoiler in the comments.

I'd already gone through 50 chapters and skipped out on work for this so I skimmed through and now I just want to see how the author/artist will end this.
