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Dear mangago's passionate reader, please help...

Tsukkin January 11, 2017 2:00 pm

I am looking for this manga, it was one of the one shot, i think it was the last story, the mc was a nerd in middle school and constantly being bullied (things disappeared mysteriously), then he changed and got popular in highschool, then he met a gloomy classmate (glasses, dark medium hair) and told him to make friends, so the gloomy guy turned into a hottie and steal mc popularity with girls, well in the end they got together and there's this plot twist where the gloomy guy actually the one who stole all of mc things that disappeared mysteriously, and he is the one who make girls avoid mc so he's the only one who can dominate the mc, sort of stalker if i might add. Please please please tell me if you know this manga, i've been looking for ages and zero result
