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One of the best psychological bls out there.

hisu February 24, 2024 5:15 pm

Rereading this yet i still felt the anxiety coming up to me despite knowing what will happen. From the art style to the way the story was executed was perfect, everything about this manhwa is perfect. This manhwa perfectly portrayed how different victims and perpetrators react from the same experience. People saying that dohyun not remembering anything from the past is unrealistic clearly hasn’t experienced such loneliness to the point that you have accepted that nothing stays the same and life is all about change.

The way how the author showed sungho’s trauma but never glorified it enough to make us sympathize with him to forget all the crimes he did is perfectly written though i do know that there are some people who are justifying it which leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Though dohyun is not entirely innocent, and we’re not suppose to take sides in this story, from the beginning i have been rooting for him. What he did to sungho during their high school days are definitely wrong, but all i can say is that they’re both kids. If only, sungho chose to communicate his feelings instead of going out of his way to become the “monster” it would’ve been the best outcome for them.

What sungho did was understandable but it’s unjustifiable. Understandable in way that he was once just a kid too and needed help, not in a way that it’s understandable because of what dohyun did.

Personally, i didn’t really like the ending. It’s not ideal for me, but i guess i’m glad that it didn’t turn out to be the worse for dohyun. I absolutely love dohyun’s character. He deserves so much better and i wish life will be finally good to him. I can’t help but feel sorry for him. Nevertheless, the manhwa is such a good read. Genuinely one of the best out there in my opinion since i have read quite a lot of it already. As a sucker for the psychological genre, this is absolutely a must read if you can handle heavy themes!
