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Reread time~~ feeling icky for this mfs cain over and over again

Princiecharming February 24, 2024 7:20 pm

Im just so in love with the art, Aria looking so pretty my soul cleansed whenever i see her

AND DANGGG ive read step siblings trope, sometimes im getting the icky and distrub feelings (cant lie im still reading it tho) sometimes i feel ok— kinda.

But the thought Cain have feelings for Aria and even imagine lewd stuff with her It's so deadass DISTRUBING as hell. i cant comprehend how MUCH OF disgust i feel abt it

But honestly tho, is there's a mention what happend to asher after he married isis in first round? I read the novel but ig nothing mentioned it..

I kinda think— asher probly feels so disgust looking at isis while isis feeling the same too bc she feel like asher is down beneath her lol and then they both would end up killing each other

Or B. Isis will secretly kill asher since he's weak at that point— to size the throne for herself since she's greedy as hell.
