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bichen's lawyer February 25, 2024 1:11 am

the nobles who adopted and then proceeded to abuse Amy broke her brother. Imagine only wanting to be with your only family left who you were separated from for a long time, and when you manage to go and meet them, you're told that you have to pay an enormous amount to get them back. He probably did all kinds of odd jobs, slaved himself away and his only consolation was only his hope to save enough money to be with his sister. And when he did save enough money, he finds out his sister killed herself because she was abused and bullied and tormented. The devastation and helplessness they both would've felt and ended up breaking his mind.

And those girls he killed, believing he was saving them. They would have had a chance at happiness had they not been killed by him.

The cruelty of those with power and those who were supposed to protect them were what started this all. He should have just killed them instead of those innocent girls.
