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I’m still waiting for Garam to mention that the VERY LAST TIME he even brought up the po...

Prince_Genai February 25, 2024 5:40 am

I’m still waiting for Garam to mention that the VERY LAST TIME he even brought up the possible IDEA of Jaehyuk liking him, he THREW HIM to the ground, leaving him with bruises, and called him a disgusting homo… the very last time… so maybe, instead of popping out the gate like “oops hehe I actually do like you so love me now :D”, he can realize his first and only step for the time being should be to APOLOGIZE. It’s really not rocket science but he is the ultimate himbo without any of the endearing qualities or actual issues with intelligence. He’s just so self absorbed that he’s an idiot when it comes to anyone else’s emotions or lived experiences.
