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legit wasnt expecting it to be this good. some ppl will take all this as "wow she led a po...

bishounensupremacy February 25, 2024 12:05 pm

legit wasnt expecting it to be this good. some ppl will take all this as "wow she led a poor innocent guy on and made him kill ppl for her what a bitch" but he's really not this selfless guy who was just trying to protect the girl he loves. they were both seeking a version of each other and themselves that didn't exist. she loved being the damsel in distress and he loved being the saviour but they didn't actually love each other, they only wanted to be seen by someone they deemed worthy enough.

at some point he started doing it for his own ego, he didn't have to follow the youtuber guy into his house but he did because he felt inferior. at first he tried to lessen his burden by pushing the decision onto her but when she tried to protect the guy he ended up killing him anyway. he put her on a pedestal and dehumanized her even though she's a flawed human just like him and he was disillusioned when he realized she wasn't this kind innocent goddess he thought her to be
