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Can't believe the side stories are all about Seowoo... what about Jaewoo. I thought he wou...

Peachyfile February 25, 2024 7:07 pm

Can't believe the side stories are all about Seowoo... what about Jaewoo. I thought he would go out with Chanyoung... that'd be a nice ending a character that we know and chapters of how that'd happen but no. Let's put some random dude that looks a lot like Ohn with no personality to calm Seowoo insecurities and some fan service sex scene... damn Jaewoo deserved better I'm so disappointed

    Furrina March 17, 2024 5:56 am

    I want Chanyeoung to have his own story. It's about time. My man's been a wingman in 2 different bls.

    Peachyfile March 17, 2024 9:06 am
    I want Chanyeoung to have his own story. It's about time. My man's been a wingman in 2 different bls. Furrina

    Now that you mentioned it I want more of him too! In this he barely makes a cameo and we need more of him you totally right