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Keiko-sama February 25, 2024 9:33 pm

I have no idea how to feel after reading everything. Like... if it wasn't for the RAPE part (3 first chapters which is a lot) I would have liked it for real... I mean, author could have gone without that no ? At the end I think they're adorable fr... and the sex scenes are well drawn and hot too... but WHY the rape paaaaaaart ??? Why always start like this ?? Can't we find something heathly to begin a relationship like that ?? I mean it's not because a character (seme) is a sex addict that they always have to rape the one they love ? What is this thinking ?? #-.-) I really thing it's just the easy way for the author... idk.

    StalkerGurl18 March 1, 2024 7:02 am

    Maybe the author wanted to show just how innocent he is. Not to justify it but I can say for sure that when I was younger idk much about sex. I grew up in a country where schools didn't really teach you about those things. The only people who knew about sex were kids who were in really bad households where they were either raped or molested. Growing up we were thought that all sex or sexual activity was consensual and something you can only do if you're an adult and married and only adults can get raped but we still didn't know what it was we only it was something bad you didn't want to be done to you or others. Obviously they realized that this was not the best way to teach kids so they had to start explaining what it was and that 'no means no' slogan. Lol Christian schools really do be hiding a lot. It honestly wasn't like now where kids know everything.

    Keiko-sama March 1, 2024 11:31 am

    Yes, I understand what you mean :) I know seme is innocent I really do, I can see he doesn't know what he's doing. But it's just a recurrent thing, this time it's treated like in hentai you know, when the girl/uke is getting raped but like it (like in mind break but it's not really like that here) it's just, I don't understand why this trend exist. But I'm not mad at seme, I'm mad to the author who often chose the easy road to write a story.

    I understand what you mean too with real life sex education, personnally I've never been to a christian school but either way I wasn't really told about sex too... I mean we talked about sexual organs but really nothing about consent or anything, maybe nowadays they do, because I'm kinda old now to be honest xD I'm almost 30 but yeah, back in the days we weren't talking about sexual things. But of course if I asked I would have an answer, with teachers (I guess) and my parents of course, who aren't religious (idk if that changes anything compared to you). Yes, nowadays, young people now more about sex (in general) and that's a good thing I think, even tho some people tell enormities (like they don't know where the clit is, or even one person who thought we, girl, were peeing through our hole in the clit... :') ) Yeah, anyways xD I'm not religous and beeing as tolerant as I can, I really don't inderstand the lack of knowledge in those religious school and I think it's more dangerous than to "protect the child" or something. But it's really just my opinion I don't mean any disrespect ! (▰˘◡˘▰)

    Keiko-sama March 1, 2024 11:31 am
    Maybe the author wanted to show just how innocent he is. Not to justify it but I can say for sure that when I was younger idk much about sex. I grew up in a country where schools didn't really teach you about t... StalkerGurl18

    My god, I litterally responded to my own comment because I'm dumb... :') anyways :

    Yes, I understand what you mean :) I know seme is innocent I really do, I can see he doesn't know what he's doing. But it's just a recurrent thing, this time it's treated like in hentai you know, when the girl/uke is getting raped but like it (like in mind break but it's not really like that here) it's just, I don't understand why this trend exist. But I'm not mad at seme, I'm mad to the author who often chose the easy road to write a story.

    I understand what you mean too with real life sex education, personnally I've never been to a christian school but either way I wasn't really told about sex too... I mean we talked about sexual organs but really nothing about consent or anything, maybe nowadays they do, because I'm kinda old now to be honest xD I'm almost 30 but yeah, back in the days we weren't talking about sexual things. But of course if I asked I would have an answer, with teachers (I guess) and my parents of course, who aren't religious (idk if that changes anything compared to you). Yes, nowadays, young people now more about sex (in general) and that's a good thing I think, even tho some people tell enormities (like they don't know where the clit is, or even one person who thought we, girl, were peeing through our hole in the clit... :') ) Yeah, anyways xD I'm not religous and beeing as tolerant as I can, I really don't inderstand the lack of knowledge in those religious school and I think it's more dangerous than to "protect the child" or something. But it's really just my opinion I don't mean any disrespect ! (▰˘◡˘▰)

    StalkerGurl18 March 1, 2024 11:31 pm
    My god, I litterally responded to my own comment because I'm dumb... :') anyways :Yes, I understand what you mean :) I know seme is innocent I really do, I can see he doesn't know what he's doing. But it's just... Keiko-sama

    Lol you're sooo CUTE!! No worries it happens to me too! And none taken, people were much more preservative back then so instead of answering questions we would just be told wait until marriage or get threatened to an ass whooping for asking grown folks things. It really is different now and I get what you're saying. Honestly, I think patriarchy has a lot to do with it. Like growing up there was this misconception that men can't get raped or cry or show any emotions that makes them vulnerable so most yaoi that I recall ALWAYS had some sort of rape it was always soft core though like under the influence type stuff (both seme and uke) but now I've noticed like really heavy full blown SA. Like there's no excuse now or nothing to make it justifiable. Also the teachings I grew up under I've never had a I'm a victim mentality but more so of a you get what you looking for (victim blaming mentality) of oh well you know you shouldn't be drinking because something bad could happen to you or you shouldn't tease because something bad can happen to you and it's your fault because you did this. But these new mangas are extremely wild.

    And I'm not saying that all victims should be blame I'm just saying that if I was in a position where I VOLUNTARILY went wild with drinking or led someone on knowing I had no intentions to sleep with them and I got taken advantage of them I looked for that trouble and I'm part of the problem so for some ukes when manga had soft core SA or rape I tend to put myself as the uke and be like okay well you did this to yourself partially. That was the teachings we had and like you I'm old too almost pushing 30 so it's hard to break something that's been instilled in you for over a decade.

    Keiko-sama March 2, 2024 1:47 pm
    Lol you're sooo CUTE!! No worries it happens to me too! And none taken, people were much more preservative back then so instead of answering questions we would just be told wait until marriage or get threatened... StalkerGurl18

    I understand what you mean. Personnally I didn't felt it like you did, maybe because we are not from the same country, I'm from France and I can say that it's not "really" a religious country. There's some religious people but it's just like "Yeah I believe in god, so what movie are we seeing tonight ?" something like that you know xD Back in the days, even when I wasn't born, some people will go to the church (especially the old one) and would force their children to come so those children take the habit, grow up and still go to church but just because they're used to it, they don't believe fully you know. Of course I'm not talking about everyone. None of the people I know are religious. Like, myself am a catholic from birth but my mother (who is an atheist) always regreted it because her familly was imposing on her like it's the "normal thing to do". Well I don't care anyway I've always been an atheist by choice as long as I can remember. My parents are atheist, my grandma is religious and believe in god but she always kept it for herself like it's a personnal thing, but I could always talk to anything to her religiouswise without beeing judge or anything, she can talk about anything. I think religious people should be like that but like you and me know... there's a few religious this understanding. So my point is, I was never in a religious environment, even with religious people (not talking about extremists) catholic wise tho. It's just my personnal experience. But sadly my best friend was a muslim (I don't see her anymore (we're far apart)) she was really a believer like you can imagine a muslim to be, almost too extreme imo. I've know her and her familly for a long time and they were consired really open from other muslims perspective although I found them myself really extreme compared to the catholic I knew. Of course some catholic are extreme I know I just never met them. But for all the muslims I know (and there's a lot, more than catholic acutally) I think they're really extreme in what is "women's right" (wich is almost none if I can trust all of my muslim girlfriend) of course some country are really cool obviously but some are not. Sexuality and women's right are really sometime none existent. So I can't complain. In France we're generally respected since long before my birth. Of course some men are piece of shit (a lot imo) and some womens too. But mostly we are kind of respected... let's say the people's opinion on women and sex by extension, is becoming more open, but not from the extreme catholic and muslim (sorry I don't talk about other religion because I have no knowledge on them and no friend who are from those religions) but from what I know and from my experience, so yeah from those really religious people I don't see myself go talk to them and talk about sexuality, in religion it's still a taboo thing to talk about which is really a shame because, in reality beeing open to talk about sexuality is actually beeing open to talk to women's equality it's really linked (of course it helps for homosexual people which is needed too!). What I want to say is, the women responsibility in the SA part was often view as her fault (partly from men let's not lie, of course there are womens too) but they're old or mature, and they actually don't know any better because they're not educated ! Because they were religious and religion don't talk about those things... Which is terrible imo. Now people get less religious and learn some things and that's fantastic. But yeah, when I was young, I heard my grandpa and old uncle talk about some news where a poor woman got raped at a club and they just said "she deserved it" like it's the most normal thing to think. It's absolutelly disgusting but like you said, patriarchy. And it will be hard to get rid of it. But nowadays... they're actually the same (of course a lot of men are more aducated now and more women too) but those comments happen too, it's just that now, some men and women actually talk back to them so sometime they just shut up and change. It just have to continue.

    Yeah I totally get what you mean that now those mangas and manhwas are wild when they involved SA fr ! I don't know how to be really understood on what I'll mean but I hope you'll understand : I feel like in those old mangas, it was dubcon for the most part but it wasn't terrible in the graphics you know, like, it was actually romantize yk... OF COURSE, some of those SA are actually terrible and all, I'm not talking about those ! But now, sometimes the manga/manhwas is just, literally, about a uke beeing SA for 54 chapters... and there's almost no romance to none xD like, there's no excuse to this, to write this, to read this... idk. At least in manga it was romanticize without beeing too terrible sometimes (again I'm not talking about the real SA or rape manga of course because it is terrible) I'm talking about those where there's love from both sides actually but the author just jack off seeing the seme assault uke a little. I'm not triggered by those things, but to be honest nowadays I read some manhwas when an actual "rape" is drawned for an entire f*king chapter and I get ptsd for real. Like how can you draw something like that. And the worst is that I'm getting triggered too by those people who compared those atrocious act which can make me puke with those old manga where the SA is actually really romanticse with flowers everywhere and sparkle when they cum xD I mean, I personnally don't really care it's just a drawing and a story but nowadays some SA and rape are SO realistic it actually give me goosebumps and I can't understand why you want to draw the graphic scene all the chapter... Like, of course sometime in your story you have to made it clear that your character has beeing SA or raped so you know, you show some glimpse for a panel or two and people understand don't make a full realistic rape scene under my eyes... Personnally I draw, and I love to draw nsfw. I like drawing a little forcefull because """I""" find a little apealing sometime, but it's for myself yk. NEVER in my right mind would I enjoy drawing a rape scene (supposed to hot) for like 10/15 pages, with real tears of terror ? With blood ? With violence ? Omg I couldn't even if I was paid I find it totally disgusting. I'm no artist let's make it cleat but I draw since I'm like nine and I was always a pervert anyways, like at 12 or something I would draw neked women when my parents didn't look xD and now I draw sex scenes sometimes because I enjoy it, and I draw what I want, I keep it to myself but some people could not like what I draw and I don't care, I'm free to draw whatever I like, it's litterally the point of art imo. But yeah, sorry I talked a lot XD hum I hope you won't take anything I say badly because I swear I'm not judging anything or anybody I respect everyone and I apologise if some things I said were badly said or something, I'm not thinking badly at all of anything I'm just a curious person and like to learn but never will I judge, so sorry if some things I said might sound judgemental I swear it wasn't ! ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~

    StalkerGurl18 March 2, 2024 9:12 pm
    I understand what you mean. Personnally I didn't felt it like you did, maybe because we are not from the same country, I'm from France and I can say that it's not "really" a religious country. There's some reli... Keiko-sama

    Oh it's all good no worries. I actually enjoyed reading about you and your beliefs and thoughts and I agree. I can't draw and while I'm desensitized by stuff rape that is drawn realistic to the point of blood and terror is a bit too much for me. I'm 7th day Adventist and we believe in keeping the sabbath holy so no working or spending money on this day just go to church and praise God. It was a STRICT religion. At first we weren't allowed to use jewelry only if you were married you can use your wedding bands. Woman weren't allowed to wear any sort of pants we were only allowed to wear dresses and really long skirts. And we couldn't eat meat or any sort of fishes only vegetables greens you know mostly a vegetarian diet and basically anything that was a cartoon was the devil's work so no Harry Potter, no pokémon, no vampires, know werewolves and no nothing basically. The religion has gotten a bit more lenient so we can now eat whatever we want we can use jewelry but they still practice on Mother's Day and the seventh day is still very holy we should not you know work or purchase anything on this day. We were also not able to move in with our significant other or religion believe that we should be married before we can you know cohabitate with our significant other which I personally don't agree with I think that you know you should live with your significant other before you get married because then you get to know who you're really dealing with but yeah I've noticed that it is a very very common team in most Asian works and they basically speak about it as if though it's nothing even in their romance novels or light novels rape or SA of very heavy theme. Like someone is always being drugged and set up in in those sorts of stories. So I think it's because of all the reading I have done I've gotten very desensitized to it and I'm not going to say it's my favorite genre but because you know it's not a gen I don't know how to explain it without sounding ridiculous but since he always like one of my favorite genre whenever I see stuff like rape or SA for me it's always like oh okay this is common like I I never really think about it I never really beat myself up about it it's just like okay cool whatever moving on. I think it's because in some parts of Asia or Asian countries women aren't really respected and their field at some sort of sexual to ol and because you know these men are gay in Yahweh and you know basically men are supposed to be tough and you know they're not supposed to complain or whatever it is a reoccurring team and you know no one ever really talks about how hard it is for men in those situation. So often times it just gets dismissed and I am very guilty of that I will be honest because it's you know like you said it's reoccurring it's becoming very very common and I think people just accept it because you know it's it's fake and they just be like okay well whatever some people do have issue with it and I will see them complaining in the comments but I would be one of those type of people sometimes to be like you know if if you don't like it then why finish it some people complain and don't finish it they just you know leave a disclaimer that hey you know this has whatever in it but some people actually take the time out and read the entire story just so b**** and complain afterwards and then it's like why would you complain if you are going to read the entire story if it's something that makes you uncomfortable then why continue reading it for me personally whenever I meet really hardcore stuff in Yaoi or any thing that I read I personally stop give it a one star or maybe just a warning and I completely dismissed it's like in a list of do not read for me.

    Keiko-sama March 2, 2024 9:36 pm
    Oh it's all good no worries. I actually enjoyed reading about you and your beliefs and thoughts and I agree. I can't draw and while I'm desensitized by stuff rape that is drawn realistic to the point of blood a... StalkerGurl18

    Yeah, I'm totally like you ! When something is too extreme for me I say I leave it there and wish to others to enjoy with letting a little trigger warning just in case for other people. But I swear since a while ago whenever I type those things some people will ALWAYS say to me "PLS GROW UP IT'S NOT THAT DEEP" and I can't respond because I'm actually at a loss of words so I just ignore, after all I'll just lose my time. Nowadays on this site, people, like you rightfully said, just read things they don't like and judge the others who likes it just to earn f*cking brownies point and I SO hate people like that. You know, like "oh you like something different OR something weird EWW you're so weird EWW" don't you think they look just like bullies or is it just me ?? So, like you I'm insensitive really to SA and rape usually, the only thing that actually make me stop something right away is cheating. That's my only trigger, I know I said I get triggered by "real" SA and rape but I just exaggerated... It just really bother me and I find it disgusting but I just keep reading the manga/manhwas, but cheat really triggers me and I stop this instant. In case you're curious, no no one ever cheated on me and I never cheated on anyone, I have no idea where this trigger is comming from. Quick question tho, I'm not really sure so I'll ask a straight answer, are you still religious then ? Or not at all now ? I understood you were as a child but I don't know if you still are ? I totally agree with you for knowing the person before mariage. Personally as I see marriage as religious I'm not interested. I've been happy with my boyfriend for 14 years now and we're happy together I don't need anything else, I'm not interested in having a kid either (he doesn't either) but that's just a personal choice. And some people actually release their true nature once you live with them for a while... you see the cute habits or the big red flags... I think it's the most important. I mean back in the day they didn't care as they saw their daughter (especially) as object to join famillies or business or whatnot, so it's not like she have a choice, they are just marrying. And well... men are not so difficult... a hole is a hole and if they're really not happy they cheat anyway. Of course not all men are like this and not all women are like this either ! Everyone have the right to love whoever they want. Test it out, try it out, pour their all into it with passion and falling in love or fall out of love because that's how it is and it's beautifull in his own way. But I think religion sometimes put walls to those things in the name of god... although I'm sure all the thing a god would want is for you to be happy, respectul, loving and nice to people... I think it is all xD but I'm not a god and I can't talk about that as I know so little anyway :)

    StalkerGurl18 March 2, 2024 11:37 pm
    Yeah, I'm totally like you ! When something is too extreme for me I say I leave it there and wish to others to enjoy with letting a little trigger warning just in case for other people. But I swear since a whil... Keiko-sama

    Ugh instead of bullies I would consider them KARENS. Yes to some degree. No longer as strict as first. I still believe there is a God but I don't go to church anymore and I rarely pray anymore. Fornicated before marriage so yeah. I'd say I'm more "worldly" than christian. Oh yeah I ditch most Asian romance manga and light novels because it's all bs. Shitty ML that are overly arrogant then they try to white wash their emotionally abusive and physical abusive nature. So those are a hardcore skip for me. Plus I find the way they portray love as idiotic. There's ALWAYS a lack of communication, trust and power dynamic. Always cheating and emotional manipulation going on. Like it's very unrealistic. Yaoi is more realistic than their romance. Hell OMEGAVERSE or Isekai yaoi is more realistic than their romance and BOTH of those genres are PURE FICTIONAL. So you can imagine. Everytime I use to read their romance I'd feel an aneurism coming. Lol. Let's not even talk about the one villainess who does dumb shit like plastic surgery to look like the FL and kidnap and replace FL and ML doesn't know it's not the FL. Just how shitty of a partner do you have to be to not know the so call love of your life is replaced???!!! Ugh let me tell you honey I can vent on their romance for days. Same, I would like to be married but I'm not too confident in my taste of men. I want kids though with or without a husband I want kids.