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great art bad incest

Hehe February 26, 2024 4:41 am

i feel so bad for theo he endured everything to escape only to be dragged back also im wondering why cedric said he never saw ghosts when he did?? also wish we could’ve known more about gabriel

    Norn February 27, 2024 4:17 pm

    He probably rationalized them away as a trick of the mind. It was easier to believe he was just seeing things.

    Augustine March 5, 2024 4:03 pm

    Im not sure but Gabriel might be an Angel, not a friend of Theo. Theo might be being too emotional and wrote a letter to Gabriel, it was also mentioned that he had too many sins and did not deserve to go to heaven and even asked him to send him to hell. In conclusion, Theo was just coping and that letter was just him letting out his all bad feelings like Guilt, Anger and etc...