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You know if you Google saudia Arabia women football team you'll actually find one, :) and ...

Reio February 26, 2024 11:58 pm

You know if you Google saudia Arabia women football team you'll actually find one, :) and if you check their clothing you'd find an equal mix of non hijab and hijabi women.. this is my main issue with this manga .. her dream is achievable, reachable in her current state, so painting that it's an impossible dream for her in a hijab is a lie. It's a lie.
The world is vast not all Muslims are extremists nor all non-Muslims countries are supporting cultures either can we speak about the actual issues instead of this sterile discussion whether women in hijab=unhappy and focus on what actually makes them happy??

    dudewhatlmao April 13, 2024 9:52 pm

    1) women was only recently allowed to drive in ch 1, meaning it was set before the official establishment of a recognized women's football team in saudi arabia. because the first girl doesn't know the future, her dream was very much not reachable at the time lmao

    2) reread the manga and that chapter. the first wife is a hijabi but is still living her best life and doing what she wants. the afghan girls in ch 5 are happily studying and chasing dreams while still wearing their scarves. the journalist from abroad and the main character wear scarves and keep their faith while also being feminists. religion is obviously not the point here, but how SOCIETY interprets and applies it. yet you focus on the one girl who doesn't like the hijab? ok

    3) re-reread the manga. you're neglecting the overarching themes of extremism, societal pressures, class and economical issues, and tradition as a tool of oppression. these factors combined is why the first girl wants to not wear the hijab, and to say they aren't actual issues is fucking insane.

    Reio April 13, 2024 11:29 pm
    1) women was only recently allowed to drive in ch 1, meaning it was set before the official establishment of a recognized women's football team in saudi arabia. because the first girl doesn't know the future, h... dudewhatlmao

    I don't live in saudia Arabia so I don't know the timeline of such things, but the country is changing so is the society. My main focus was about the heated argument in the comment how its brainwashing to be in a religion not the manga itself

    Reio April 13, 2024 11:30 pm

    My original comment as a Muslim woman in a middle Eastern country other than Saudia was the issue of marriage.

    Reio April 13, 2024 11:32 pm

    And when i posted this comment only chapter one was posted

    Reio April 13, 2024 11:35 pm
    And when i posted this comment only chapter one was posted Reio

    I said I hope this does not go disrespect route meaning I don't see it that way yet

    Reio April 13, 2024 11:37 pm

    And about 3rd point
    Yes it's not an issue on its own
    Saying following a religion is an issue is a very western view of ideals
    That certain ways of life are better or some are oppressive.
    Hijab in itself is not a problem
    But society to empower women

    dudewhatlmao April 14, 2024 1:49 am
    And about 3rd pointYes it's not an issue on its ownSaying following a religion is an issue is a very western view of ideals That certain ways of life are better or some are oppressive. Hijab in itself is not a ... Reio

    i agree completely, but you made the comment when only ch 1 was out and was able to google the women's football team, yet you can't spare the extra 2 minutes to check their wikipedia page and see when they were established and the history behind them like i did? that makes your argument seem very callous, since the chapter itself is set in a country where you have no choice but to be a muslim and where the restrictive laws are heavily influenced by islamic traditions.

    the themes presented in ch 1 alone should have communicated to you that the hijab is not the main enemy. the girl doesn't even show that she hates it until the very end, but you choose to focus on it anyway. if you want to talk about what's really affecting women, you have to accept the fact that your religion's role in women's rights deserves scrutiny too, just like christianity and judaism and sikhism and any other religion. ignoring the chapter's overall message to focus on only one object doesn't open up the discussion or suggest any actual change.

    Reio April 14, 2024 2:34 am
    i agree completely, but you made the comment when only ch 1 was out and was able to google the women's football team, yet you can't spare the extra 2 minutes to check their wikipedia page and see when they were... dudewhatlmao

    I agree maybe I solve researched more and focused less on the hijab removing part, the reason I did that there are some many western shows show a hijabi girl trying to woo a guy so she removes the hijab, u can Google the scene I forgot the show name, it is an existing false representation of Muslim women.

    But no... my religion never restricted me, lumping religions together is wrong on many levels ... my religion or my society never restricted me as a woman. We have different values of male and female roles but nothing of significant issue such as education, marriage, way of life, or the way we dress other than the head part. Men here also dress modestly we get same education Islam even uncourages it, but we separate school building between genders, we don't travel alone but can travel with a group of women, marriage is free to date and never forced, the issue here were tradional and tbh most my country's tradition was not rly from Islamic valuse, such as tribal conflicts, or cousin marriges (Islam discourage them), even the modesty or coverage was even less than now, in fact my country's problem is financial and administrative. the culture is open and peaceful so different from the one depicted here

    dudewhatlmao April 14, 2024 3:21 am
    I agree maybe I solve researched more and focused less on the hijab removing part, the reason I did that there are some many western shows show a hijabi girl trying to woo a guy so she removes the hijab, u can ... Reio

    again i agree, but you're arguing a non-issue here. there is no western value for you to worry about when it's a japanese manga, which is of the same racial group as country depicted in here. the western shows and islamophobic tropes you watch don't matter at all because that's not what this manga is about. i'm glad that your culture is different from that of saudi arabia or afghanistan, but what does it matter when the author wants to portray extremism? this would be wrong if the author portrays islam falsely when it's set in your country or if the author wants to make some grand statement about islam on a global scale, but the story is about girls in saudi arabia and afghanistan, so the cultures will be that of saudi arabia and afghanistan. your country's culture doesn't change the fact that other countries are authoritarian and oppressive. you not being restricted by your religion doesn't change the fact that other girls are restricted by their religion.

    also, i do find issues with how your country is set up. i don't agree that genders should be separated in education, and the fact that women travel in groups presumably to stay safe speaks volumes of the culture overall. even then, the world needs a more nuanced view of islam, and your experience adds to the discussion just like afghan girls' experience does. i'm grateful that you educated me on your culture. have a blessed day

    Reio May 14, 2024 3:50 am
    again i agree, but you're arguing a non-issue here. there is no western value for you to worry about when it's a japanese manga, which is of the same racial group as country depicted in here. the western shows ... dudewhatlmao

    I forgot to reply
    Just wanted to say thank you for being respectful tho eventually we didn't agree on anything (≧∀≦)