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Im kinda disappointed coz iwas hoping the boy be alive and not some school students

Anonymous January 12, 2017 11:41 am

Im kinda disappointed coz iwas hoping the boy be alive and not some school students

    theangrymortal January 12, 2017 12:21 pm

    he is alive.... for now

    Haley-chan January 12, 2017 2:57 pm
    he is alive.... for now theangrymortal

    *sceamed* ah! why would you say that!

    Deathperation-13 January 12, 2017 4:50 pm

    Unfortunately Jas-Ha isn't alive and the school student that you're talking about is Jae-Ha. He is talking to high school Kae-Ha through the phone that calls the past

    Haley-chan January 12, 2017 5:51 pm
    Unfortunately Jas-Ha isn't alive and the school student that you're talking about is Jae-Ha. He is talking to high school Kae-Ha through the phone that calls the past Deathperation-13


    Deathperation-13 January 12, 2017 6:54 pm
    huh? Haley-chan

    LOL did you notice that the main character said he always wanted an antique phone? Jae-Ha uses the same exact phone. What high s hool student uses an antique phone? (Honestly I would lol) And the artbook that he found, it has the drawings of a female in and which we see Jae-Ha drawing in an artbook of the same kind deawing a female character. Jae-Ha also said it himself, "don't worry about other people picking up the phone, it's my rooms personal phone". And Jae-Ha said he heard of the name Bae Yeon Ho. I'm thinking that Yeon-Ho is in the house that Jae-Ha used to live in. And the phone connects to the past. I may be pver thinking it but everythong just fits so perfectly like that to me. Lol sorry to confuse you

    Haley-chan January 12, 2017 7:28 pm
    LOL did you notice that the main character said he always wanted an antique phone? Jae-Ha uses the same exact phone. What high s hool student uses an antique phone? (Honestly I would lol) And the artbook that h... Deathperation-13

    yeah...ill just reread it lol