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plinky25 February 27, 2024 8:46 pm

Bro I checked in on this after a while of not reading and I got SO CONFUSED. I got the character mixed up. I thought xia lin and liang ge were the same person (cause i forgot after not reading for a long time). I was like WTF?? What happened to song yan, why is he pregnant? How did this get ABO mixed in? When did he get with someone else?

But then realized xia lin and liang ge were different people and it looks like they’re focusing on new couples now lmao. The story got very confusing with the added universes. In a way, it is interesting since this is very different from usual “go back in time/new timeline” stories, but I do think it’s not great to add such thing in so late into the story. This should’ve been a thing implied since the very beginning, to not throw readers off.

This reminds me of when I read an office love story and then half way through all the readers realized it’s a whole past-life reborn story as they bring it up way later. It wasn’t until I checked the description and it never said anything about reborn stuff. EXCEPT for one TINY tag that said so, which went unnoticed by many readers.

    SayerSong March 17, 2024 2:20 pm

    I've been following it, so not really confused on anything, but at this point, I'm more skimming chapters than reading them full on. I just hate the new storyline.

    I was really looking forward to seeing the second couple as the focus of their own story, too. But it is just so bogged down with unnecessary exposition about businesses and now family relationships, and what's approved and not approved, etc., that it is downright boring at times.

    Add to that, that the author is insistent on having every single uke be the victim of abuse in some way, and it just makes the story of what happened in the first couple's first lives completely watered down. It loses all emotional impact.

    And the latest two villains are just so annoying and feel like they've just been shoehorned in for the sake of adding some drama to the story. Like having the second couple turn ABO due to some crap about universes colliding, and having one of the become pregnant, then having to deal with all that, wasn't dramatic enough.

    Basically put, at this point, I don't think you're missing that much and I can definitely understand your frustration with and disinterest in this story. I'm only hanging on because of sunk cost fallacy at this point. I have put too much time into this story to completely drop it until I see couple number 2 together.