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So let’s discuss the present and the future………..

Aie February 28, 2024 12:30 am

1. Minato saw Shizuma being driven by the director to their date and Shizuma and director had this hair interaction might have been completely innocent but it sure as hell looked suspicious.
2. Of course, Minato was mad jealous and just out of his mind. Shizuma thinks he’s cute until…
3. Minato tried to SA Shizuma even though Shizuma was scared. Thankfully he came to his senses and stopped.
4. We find out the real reason why Shizuma is still so nice to his ex even though he got cheated on by the bitch. It was because he felt partly to blame for her cheating. I mean, Shizuma, bro, you are partly to blame for your relationship not working out by being constantly absent and not giving her enough priority to feel loved and in an actual relationship with you but you also gotta understand, a bitch is a bitch is a bitch. Her cheating was her original sin. If you felt something was wrong, talk to her and demand answers as is your right as a boyfriend with concerns regarding your relationship, you failed in that so she got tired. As a girlfriend, though, if she got tired and she does not talk to you about it, even just to ask for a break-up and instead she cheated on you, then it’s her failure as a human being. That’s what you gotta understand, but this relationship isn’t completely useless as it should have taught you to maybe pay more attention to how you tend to give so little time to your relationships takes it for granted that your partner waits for you (entitled much?) and if they don’t talk to you, then you can and should demand some real substantial answers instead of just constantly waiting. It’s your right and responsibility to the relationship.
5. Minato is realizing that he’s gradually turning into someone he hates. He has hurt Shizuma and is feeling guillty over it so he apologizes and seriously tells Shizuma to not be okay about his [Minato’s] behavior. Minato has always been self-aware about his toxicity and inferiority but he still wants to be with Shizuma even though Shizuma is currently not providing him with enough security in their relationship. SPOILER: In the next chapter or the one after (?), it’s the morning after scene, Minato admits that he is indeed in the wrong for being so sensitive and that he cannot bring himself to take Shizuma away from a job he loves in a work environment he is finally getting the hang of, so he will try to be more understanding. He just asks that Shizuma always be showing off how good their relationship is to his colleagues as a means of security for Minato, a request which Shizuma although embarassed still complies with. Minato’s efforts of self-reflection, I really do believe has paid for but maybe he should still consider professional therapy just for good measure or they could also go to couple’s therapy as a relationship goal?
6. SPOILER: In the same scene as above, Shizuma asks Minato if he should just change jobs away from the director. He still thinks that the director is triggering Minato and does not realize even though Minato does, that there could be any number of directors that could trigger Minato just about anywhere. It is Shizuma’s attitude towards them and the boundaries or lack thereof that he sets up in his interaction with them that is the real trigger to Minato’s anxiety and insecurity. I seriously think they need couple therapy.
7. Remember how #1, Minato only knows that Shizuma was driven to their date by the director and he does not yet know the reason being that he was almost late because they stopped at a cafe in a “totally-innocent-but-kinda-date-like” afternoon coffee break and even went shopping for clothes that Shizuma was gonna wear on his date with Minato together in a completely “innocent and professional manner” which was conveniently spotted by some of Minato’s very mischivous and shady ‘friends’.
8. SPOILER: Early chapters of Vol 4 is about looking into apartments together, though really sweet was a bit problematic as Shizuma is totally unaware of how unrelated people would view their relationship. He’s not wrong, though, and with the reason the landlord gave, the landlord was also not wrong. It’s the current society that really just cannot let them be. And maybe Shizuma is just now realizing since he had always been honest and upfront about this and everyone he knew was understanding and supportive, so far.
9. #7 is totally gonna come back to be milked thoroughly, and while people can say Minato is just too sensitive and problematic and traumatized and unhinged and just plain red, imagine yourself in his shoes being told what those two friends might tell you. “Hey, I saw your boyfriend and this chick shopping for clothes together last day or so.” Then you realize, “What, the clothes he wore to our date that time he was driven there by his boss?” I dunno about you but just this would make me feel totally shitty. What excuses can there be for your boyfriend to shop for his clothes together with his boss to not make it sound sus and just completely over the line? Sure, I know you love me, but that just makes me feel even shittier about myself right now. I could tolerate less than what Minato has already tolerated in the name of that’s just how Shizuma is, he’s an all-around nice guy, that’s just how it is working in the health service industry, and maybe it really is Minato’s fault for being such a sensitive person dating such a nice guy, but as I’ve been saying, Minato has tolerated more than what I could tolerate in his place. So maybe it’s just me, maybe it’s just Minato. I don’t have trauma like his, maybe I’m just too toxic.
10. Maybe this is the point I’ve been waiting for when Shizuma realizes what I’ve been wanting him to realize all along. That it’s not about the director, it’s about your attitude towards this person that’s the problem. Maybe it’s the difference in culture, I just don’t understand. I don’t know. People can always find things to defend Shizuma with that I’ll never be able to understand nor agree with. I just want Shizuma to realize he needs to set up boundaries with people. Be professional in the workplace for a healthier work environment and healthier relationship with work colleagues. If you can’t be mean to your ex, then at least learn to be indifferent, don’t indulge her. Things like that, the right boundaries just make for healthier interpersonal relationships, I believe. As Robert Frost said, good fences make good neighbors.

    apple pi February 28, 2024 12:41 am

    ur def not wrong- i will say that it seems in the manga, harsh working culture when it comes to vets is normal but no to the degree that the director does it
    tbh i would not be suprised minato gen gets tired of it, relationships like theirs is a slow erosion tbh