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Ok I see that a lot of those in the comments sec are not ready for this kinda story but da...

Chilifox February 28, 2024 5:21 pm

Ok I see that a lot of those in the comments sec are not ready for this kinda story but damn the title is literally so clear that it's gonna be some crazy possessive plot and not gonna be normal romance you want so yeah you clicked it anyways. But for me, well I really liked the story and how it's gonna turn out in the future. It's the kind of story I go to if I want to be frustrated and shit but well I also like Kyle but mathias is just something else (of course not gonna date someone like him irl. Can't handle that) it's obviously gonna turn into a toxic kinda relationship and messed up one with broken this and that but it's my cup of tea and it's quite rare to find good plot,art,and style with this type of genre. Cause some are just so cliche and embarrassing.ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~
