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Mother is a narcissist

strawberry milk February 28, 2024 5:26 pm

The mom is literally a typical narcissist personality disorder person. Everything she think she does is for his own good but in reality it’s for her own good. And ofc she can never be wrong because to them they are the center of their universe.

    Malala March 13, 2024 12:55 am

    Bro thank you!!! She's literally the absolute worst person in this story! Like I cannot believe some people are saying she had sense. First of all she abandoned her kid didn't give a shit about him until, she felt she had to. Took him back was completely burdened by that, hated it and abandoned him again. And she still wanted to be in control, she was either going to force him to go to a whole other country! Or a mental institution!!! People literally get tortured there and treated like abominations, disgusting. Blaming him is literally the definition of a narcissist. Your comment felt so validating lol