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I literally don’t read any of it.

homo(sapien) February 28, 2024 9:54 pm

I scroll until there’s sex, backtrack slightly to get context (it usually doesn’t matter), read this sex scenes, and then scroll to the next sex scene....

WHY is there so much dialogue? Literally nothing of substance is EVER said. I swear I feel like I'm going absolutely batshit bonkers whenever I even attempt to read the dialogue. Some of the translations are so shit that they hardly make any sense. But even the good translations still make no sense half the time. This author sure does know how to fill whole chapters with words that mean nothing, say nothing, and continue to mean and say nothing for YEARS. HOW? Honestly bit’s impressive in it’s own way.

    bastardangel March 7, 2024 4:10 pm

    you might want to try reading it to understand the story x