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YourMochi February 29, 2024 4:04 pm

Am I the only one who didn't find Haruki s behavior weird ? Like he is jealous generally and like he is very young for a dad with 3 kids and he is already doing very good trying to help raising the kids and a good husband and like every couple fights and it's normal
Ofc what he said wasn't right at all and he should apologize and reflect on it but I found his behavior pretty normal (=・ω・=)

    Daemon February 29, 2024 4:54 pm

    It's not really normal. It's incredibly toxic if your partner gets so jealous they can't stand you making friends. None of the people Naoto became close to were interested in him romantically so Haruki is basing his position off paranoia and jealousy. It's incredibly important to have multiple support systems outside their partners and/or their family. Also, yes he's doing his best with his kids buy he's also their father? That's what being a parent means. Ofc you can appreciate young parents but this is also what they signed up for and isn't a sign of them going above and beyond.

    YourMochi February 29, 2024 5:36 pm
    It's not really normal. It's incredibly toxic if your partner gets so jealous they can't stand you making friends. None of the people Naoto became close to were interested in him romantically so Haruki is basin... Daemon

    Well yeah your right too much Jealousy isn't healthy especially when ur partner didn't give you a sec to doubt ( idk how to explain more sry for my English)