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nice story. would have been nicer after all that reading to actually see them finally toge...

katsu February 6, 2013 7:02 am

nice story. would have been nicer after all that reading to actually see them finally together. I thought there would be romance but the whole time was nothing but question marks about who actually likes whom. The ending could have been stronger. I mean her crush finally confesses to her at the airport and then she comes back in the summer just to hear not yet I haven't achieved to your level yet. I'm more frustrated than the characters.

    trinityanne October 20, 2019 2:20 am

    honestly i completely agree however if you have read this as many times as i have you start to realize that BOTH girls have a thing for each other by chapter 10 and honestly the ending was pretty shitty i honestly think an ending where they are living together or something would have been best honestly but this ending works well enough as is however i do miss having a few kiss scenes honestly