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It’s good

__xiao March 1, 2024 9:06 pm

Tbh… I was contemplating whether to read this or not after seeing bad reviews in the comment section + low ratings, but I’m glad I did read it!!! I think it’s really worth reading as it’s sooo enjoyable. I don’t understand why people think the characters were stagnant or the story was anti-climactic. At the end of the story, the characters changed for the better and they turned out to be lovable characters tbh.

I don’t get why people hate the pedophile shit arc something??? I mean I know it’s disturbing af but people need to realize that a lot of young queers have encounters w pedos since they’re much more vulnerable. People who hate on Sunghee for defending the pedo at first must not realize that he is a TEENAGER. He spent most of his time alone since his family treats him like an outcast and he has no friends. Having someone who understands you and your situation after being alone for many years is something anyone would love to have. He felt comfort and warmth in the wrong person,

Overall, I like Sunghee as a chracter. He’s not a perfect main character but what makes him likeable is that he’s such a realistic character. Some of his experiences hit close to home :((

Seungtak & Kyubin were also very cute :(( I really enjoyed their story!! ++ Inbeom??? He kinda gets on my nerves at times but aaaah I like him!! Sungyeok, on the other hand, is also kinda annoying and sus at first BUT AFTER HEARING HIS SIDE ++ HIM BEING SO VOCAL ABOUT HIS FEELINGS??? Damn, I really love him. Can’t say anything anymore, but just I love the ending and I’m really satisfied with it
