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Oh well

DudiiSC March 2, 2024 4:44 am

C'mon author-San... I know you need some conflicts between the couples to have the story flow... But making Hazuki say that kind of thing about his SA?
That guy was able to fully control himself when Naoto's heat was in its peak and he was almost unconscious, yet you want me to believe he wouldn't be able to control himself when talking about the worst time for his partner?
That's so out of character and over dramatic... I can even say exaggerated... The author really is trying too hard to create a conflict and a fight where there's none...

    HoneyOme March 2, 2024 11:49 am

    I can't agree. Look at it from the perspective of someone becoming more and more insecure because he can't wing it all with ease. A few panels before he listed all the things he had to do and should do and he was mad at himself for falling asleep, even though he was working all night. Obviously this behaviour is not "normal" and that's what a fight is all about. If you are not rational in mind you say things you don't mean, you attack at the weakest points. He instantly regrets it even, where you can, obviously, see he didn't mean it. Hazuki is not able to come to terms with himself and that a parent is not perfect and lashed out at Naoto, even though he did not deserve it. That's the reality of a relationship. It's about how you you handle yourself after that, that's going to be important.

    DudiiSC March 3, 2024 12:35 am
    I can't agree. Look at it from the perspective of someone becoming more and more insecure because he can't wing it all with ease. A few panels before he listed all the things he had to do and should do and he w... HoneyOme

    Yeah... But that's kinda deviant from his original character... Remember how he was able to even win over his instinct? Writing someone to be mature like that and able to do things just to chapters later make him all insecure, over jealous like he's still a teenager? Why even writing his beginning like that then? For me that's a plot hole... Naoto was able to have a character grow meanwhile Hasuki had a downgrade so heavy he became an ah in the relationship... Specially that part about the sa... He himself was the one to defend Naoto, never victim blamed any omega for their heat like other alphas and then he just turn to say that Naoto was the one to blame for whatever happened? That's bs from the author... So yeah, the author tried too hard to force a personality on Hasuki that it wasn't there before...