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Fuck can we talk about how good wooyeol is

OtenTheWanderer March 2, 2024 10:45 am

He didn't get overwhelmed but instead he was worried more for piggy's sake than he was seeing his own identical body looking dead. I literally wow I literally had to scream when asked "hey are you okay, get out of there it's not good for you" I AM IN SHAMBLES

    Mikasa's ass March 5, 2024 12:59 am

    I mean, Piggy also told Woo Yeol before that it doesn't really matter anymore if he(Woo Yeol) is a murderer or not, I guess Woo Yeol feel the same on this chapter. I'm pretty sure he's confused right now, given that there's literally a corpse that look like him, and Piggy was covered with the guy's blood, he might think that Piggy killed the guy(or not think that, idk) but it wouldn't matter to him anymore as long as Piggy's okay :>>> ik he likes him that much and more