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What I think about this.

SimplySophie January 13, 2017 10:24 pm

I started reading this two days ago, because the entire damn world was posting about it! I didn't read what it was about, I went in without knowing anything except the title and the pictures I've seen.

This is the most horrifying and most fucked up thing I read and seen, right next to American Horror Story Hotel (the first one I've ever seen and I will probably never watch it again). I had to take multiple breaks and hoped that my head isn't messed up. It's good, but so messed up.

    Anonymous January 13, 2017 10:30 pm

    Every time I see comments like these I feel like I am messed up in my head because I was able to read it without any breaks. It just does not seem bad to me.

    israa s. January 13, 2017 11:54 pm
    Every time I see comments like these I feel like I am messed up in my head because I was able to read it without any breaks. It just does not seem bad to me. @Anonymous

    You're not the only one , tbh i liked it . Hhhhh and I'm curious about what's gonna happen in this manhawa .. Are we crazy?