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This was such bullshit lmao like you know he's an asshole yet you still love him? What kin...

かうんと January 14, 2017 1:55 am

This was such bullshit lmao like you know he's an asshole yet you still love him? What kind of backwards ass logic is that? The seme was literally just a manipulative piece of shit. #-.-)

    Anonymous February 15, 2017 9:57 pm

    Uh, seriously? I think YOU'RE the backwards one, here. You're reading a manga about HOMOSEXUALITY, after all, and you STILL think that people should be able to choose whom they love? Wow. The only thing bullshit about this manga in ANY way is the seme. Kthxbai.

    Anonymous April 3, 2017 7:02 am
    Uh, seriously? I think YOU'RE the backwards one, here. You're reading a manga about HOMOSEXUALITY, after all, and you STILL think that people should be able to choose whom they love? Wow. The only thing bul... @Anonymous

    Even though they're gay, he still has a choice whether to continue loving him or not. Everything is dramatize cause that's how high schoolers think. And yea I think I can chose who I love. It's call coming to a realization and making a conscience choice to chose someone who deserves you. LOL I'm not staying with some controlling fuck cause I love him.

    かうんと July 25, 2017 2:48 am
    Uh, seriously? I think YOU'RE the backwards one, here. You're reading a manga about HOMOSEXUALITY, after all, and you STILL think that people should be able to choose whom they love? Wow. The only thing bul... @Anonymous

    What does homosexuality have to do with anything? We're talking about human beings here. These are high school students, and at that age, as someone mentioned, everything is dramatized due to hormones, etc. Even when you love someone, it's still YOUR CHOICE if you stay with them or not. If the person you love is emotionally manipulating you, they don't deserve your love and you shouldn't keep being with them. You shouldn't be blinded be love.

    Anonymous February 10, 2018 10:07 am
    Even though they're gay, he still has a choice whether to continue loving him or not. Everything is dramatize cause that's how high schoolers think. And yea I think I can chose who I love. It's call coming to a... @Anonymous

    And that's YOU. But thanks for proving your naivete because many an abuse victim has also said that. And the IRONY of saying this on a yaoi manga. I guesd we shouldnt have homosexual manga anymore because gay guys can choose to fall in love with womem. It really WAS their fault they had hatred directed at them. YUPYUP.'

    Anonymous February 10, 2018 10:19 am
    What does homosexuality have to do with anything? We're talking about human beings here. These are high school students, and at that age, as someone mentioned, everything is dramatized due to hormones, etc. Eve... かうんと

    So homosexuals aren't human beings. Then wtf are you on a yaoi manga site? Also, abuse victims are responsible for being abused according to bigot logic, EVEN THOUGH it is that self same shitty logic that allows abusers to get away with their abuse more easily because it just revictimizes victims.

    かうんと August 2, 2018 10:11 am
    So homosexuals aren't human beings. Then wtf are you on a yaoi manga site? Also, abuse victims are responsible for being abused according to bigot logic, EVEN THOUGH it is that self same shitty logic that allow... @Anonymous

    this is hella old and I just saw this but what I was trying to say is this wasn't even about their sexuality. This is about them as people. I don't know why you think I'm homophobic lmao. My original comment was to point out how the uke shouldn't stay in that particular situation and that the seme is very manipulative. I just felt that there should've been a sense of self awareness. I wasnt faulting the uke for falling in love, he cant control that, I was faulting him for staying in the relationship. Obviously it isnt his fault hes being manipulated,
    the blame falls on the seme. It was never about the love aspect. However, it's just a fictional situation. I was simply stating my frustration over the situation.
    I understand how hard it is to be a victim of abuse, it's not as easy as just leaving.