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senpai is the best guy

poeticharmony January 14, 2017 3:02 am

Ch. 44 essentially explains why senpai is the best. We know that he knew what she looked like whether or not she was fat/skinny and always looked out for her well being. In the beginning we see that he just liked hanging around with the main cast especially with Kae as friends but it wasn't until later when his brother came along that he realized he was in love with her. He's not like Igurashi who only focused on Kae but Senpai always took into account everything related to Kae. He never acted like she owed him something nor arrogant that he does everything for her solely to impress her. I hope the author makes a decision on who Kae ends up with and not leave it open ended (๑•ㅂ•)و✧
