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liked the story but not the abuse...

superfunnyminion January 14, 2017 3:08 am

rin was kinda abusive toward mika. he hit mika multiple times and i think maybe he over did it with thinking that hitting is ok... anybody else agree?

    Devil_Within January 21, 2017 9:12 pm

    Physical pain is nothing compared to Emotional pain... well in my opinion anyway

    superfunnyminion January 26, 2017 11:36 pm
    Physical pain is nothing compared to Emotional pain... well in my opinion anyway Devil_Within

    yeah. i guess your right about that. but only in some cases. in my opinion

    13symphony13 February 20, 2017 4:41 pm
    yeah. i guess your right about that. but only in some cases. in my opinion superfunnyminion

    One can lead to the other, you know...

    CassSprinkle March 5, 2017 5:16 pm

    Most of the time he just wanted him to stop, so he defended himself.

    crazymontecristo March 24, 2017 11:59 pm

    yeah... I also felt hitting was too natural to him ( ̄へ ̄)

    Hannah the fushoji April 23, 2017 8:49 pm

    Hitting while in a relationship is wrong, but given maki and rin's situation it was not abusive for rin to hit maki the way he did. They didn't have a solid relationship yet and there was no common ground for them, so maki was really forcing himself onto rin, it was self defence and he hit him in order for him to stop, once maki stopped rin did not proceed to hit him. Once they had formed that common ground and their feelings became clear, rin no longer hit maki for making sexual advances. I hope this sheds some light on the topic of this manga being one of an abusive couple.

    CassSprinkle April 24, 2017 11:42 am

    Thank you Hannah I agree. I mean in real life if someone is trying to force you would you not hit them. Cause I wouldn't just take the rape.

    crazymontecristo April 25, 2017 12:01 am

    I agree with u guys, but! He could have talked before hitting. Hitting could be used as a last-resort. Do u think there was no way he could explain his feelings without excessive abuse? After all, they are friends! What sort of friend would rape his/her friend? Using force as the main communication tool only shows how parochial the friend is.

    CassSprinkle April 29, 2017 1:50 pm
    I agree with u guys, but! He could have talked before hitting. Hitting could be used as a last-resort. Do u think there was no way he could explain his feelings without excessive abuse? After all, they are frie... crazymontecristo


    Mameiha July 29, 2017 7:21 am

    I had mixed feelings about Rin's violent outbursts before I read this comment thread. Now, those feelings are even more mixed. Everyone here has made excellent points and superfunnyminion's approach to starting the conversation, by stating an opinion then asking for the views of others, was refreshing. Most people just state their opinion and call it good. Thank you all for the interesting and enjoyable conversation.

    Initially, I was put off by Rin's attacks. A strong push or shove, even with his feet and legs, would have sufficed to give him ample time to stand (both attacks happened when he was in a prone position - laying on the bed and crouched on the floor) and position himself to non-violently fend off further advances or leave the room. It felt like slapping and punching were taking his self-defense into the realm of excessive force. That said, he was scared and confused, he was being physically attacked and the attack was carried out by another guy. I can't say I wouldn't do the same thing he did if I were in his position. Perhaps, I, and others, would have felt a bit better if he had apologized to Maki? Even if the apology came after they had stabilized their relationship. Like, "I'm sorry I hit you those times. I was scared, but I still feel bad about it." By ignoring that the events happened, it felt, to me, like there was no remorse on Rin's part and it would happen again if he felt "justified" in doing it. Personally, I don't think there is any excuse for two adults to use violence against one another, particularly in a romantic relationship. It destroys trust. You can apologize, but you can never un-hit them and that memory will linger. Adults should have a large enough vocabulary and a small enough pride to be able to resolve problems with words.

    Thank you all, again, for the wonderful conversation and for allowing me to take part and add my two cents.

    Death-chan August 6, 2017 12:46 am

    He has a right too mika kept trying to have sex when rin didn't want it

    Death-chan August 6, 2017 12:54 am
    I agree with u guys, but! He could have talked before hitting. Hitting could be used as a last-resort. Do u think there was no way he could explain his feelings without excessive abuse? After all, they are frie... crazymontecristo

    It really isn't abuse ,I feel like that word is thrown out a lot now Adays I mean he didn't really have to hit him but I really don't see anything wrong with it ,it's not like his doing it on a daily basis and ren/rin? Did tell him to stop

    Mameiha August 6, 2017 3:08 am
    He has a right too mika kept trying to have sex when rin didn't want it Death-chan

    I think I know what you're trying to say, but I think you used the wrong word. No one has the "right" to hit anyone else. You can be "justified" in hitting someone, self-defense comes to mind and fits this story perfectly, but that is not a "right". Since your following comment seems to focus on the terminology "abuse" (In which, I agree with your view. It was not abuse. I was violence, yes, but not prolonged or constant to where Mika would have felt oppressed emotionally or psychologically damaged by it for a long time.) as being misused, I felt that you, too, had misused a term. You meant he was justified in hitting Mika. Which, I also happen to agree with.