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This art is so amateurish - makes reading a somewhat interesting story a bit of a chore. T...

Anonymous January 14, 2017 11:19 am

This art is so amateurish - makes reading a somewhat interesting story a bit of a chore. This mangaka needs to attend art school

    Fujo-chan-tik January 14, 2017 11:35 am

    Every author has their own style, so you can make the bettet art? Show me please so I can say whether you need tl attend art scholl or not

    Anonymous January 14, 2017 12:19 pm
    Every author has their own style, so you can make the bettet art? Show me please so I can say whether you need tl attend art scholl or not @Fujo-chan-tik

    I have a Masters Degree in Fine Art and teach art at a prominent University - so I think I can safely say that this art needs a lot of work (by the way - a Masters degree is six years of intense and varied studio and academic study)

    Anonymous January 14, 2017 12:42 pm

    I have never attend art school,
    but I bet my art style looks way better than yours.
    You don't need a diploma to prove your worth,
    I guess you based on Art as your skill more than a talent.

    Anonymous January 14, 2017 12:59 pm
    I have never attend art school,but I bet my art style looks way better than yours.You don't need a diploma to prove your worth,I guess you based on Art as your skill more than a talent. @Anonymous

    You do not get accepted into any art program without being talented, then you develop skills to improve on that talent. you show me your 'spectacular art' and I will have my friend upload some of mine

    fire January 14, 2017 3:21 pm
    Every author has their own style, so you can make the bettet art? Show me please so I can say whether you need tl attend art scholl or not @Fujo-chan-tik

    If we're going to think like that, than I guess you can't criticize anything unless you're better at it.

    Did you watch a movie and decided it sucked? Too bad, unless you can produce a much better movie, you better not be criticizing it /s

    fire January 14, 2017 3:25 pm

    I agree that the art sucks (in my opinion), but you're being a really pretentious shit right now. Like wow, you got a masters degree in art, good job /s Having a masters in something like art doesn't mean shit when there are tons of other artists who are probably much better than you but couldn't afford to go to school.

    Schooling is important for some programs (like I can't be an engineer by studying it at home, I need a degree to work as one), but in the world of fine art, a degree doesn't mean anything. Get over your high horse.

    Anonymous January 14, 2017 3:48 pm
    I agree that the art sucks (in my opinion), but you're being a really pretentious shit right now. Like wow, you got a masters degree in art, good job /s Having a masters in something like art doesn't mean shit ... fire

    Poor thing can't afford school? I worked two jobs throughout school to be able to afford my education, and extra over summer breaks, plus I had to take out student loans - that is not being pretentious, that is called working hard for something I love and am talented at. And my degree allows me to teach at a university, so it does mean something And the fact that you are resorting to juvenile name calling is a great example of your lack of maturity. Untwist those knickers kiddo.

    O.M.Jeannie January 14, 2017 4:36 pm

    Honestly, you are being childish. It doesn't matter that you worked hard to get your education. Good for you, but that's not the point here. All artists start somewhere. If you were good since you were young, then you're a prodigy. However, most artists start off terrible, and work their way into being better. The best artists in the community are those that support and encourage each other and not bash on another. And going to art school does teach you a lot, but mostly about how to work in the industry. Hobbyists are also artists too, so stop being a dickwad.

    O.M.Jeannie January 14, 2017 4:47 pm

    If you cannot offer any constructive criticism...what the hell kind of teacher are you? To put down artists who are learning and are having fun with what they do.

    fire January 14, 2017 6:52 pm

    I work part time at my job while commuting 4 hours per day and having 35 hours of class per week, as well as the minimum 30 hours per week I need to spend studying. My program doesn't exactly leave a lot of room to work more than 9-18 hrs per week.

    Not everyone goes to art school with the intention of teaching.

    fire January 14, 2017 6:54 pm

    Also, I have trouble believing you went to school at all given your lack of reading comprehension. I study engineering, not art. My program costs 12K per year for the tuition alone, never mind the $100/week commuting, all the costs spent on mandatory textbooks and lab equipment etc.

    I'd like to find your university and expose your petty comments to those you teach and work with. Can't see you lasting as a "professional with a ton of talent" (have you heard of the word "humble").

    FujiDeea January 14, 2017 7:29 pm

    I honestly don't know why people are getting so bent out shape over your comment...

    fire January 14, 2017 8:05 pm
    I honestly don't know why people are getting so bent out shape over your comment... FujiDeea

    to be honest, my reply isn't over their first comment. I agreed with it, although they put it in a rather harsh way.

    I'm pissed at their other comments. They've somehow gotten as far as being a lecturer with that shitty attitude, and they need help waking up.

    tokidoki January 14, 2017 8:29 pm
    to be honest, my reply isn't over their first comment. I agreed with it, although they put it in a rather harsh way. I'm pissed at their other comments. They've somehow gotten as far as being a lecturer with th... fire

    If you think the OP was harsh in criticism, you probably have never taken a post secondary art class, I have had some horribly mean professors that have made their students cry (I have a BFA) including myself. (One of my teachers looked at my painting that I had been working on for days and said "That is really ugly") And the OP is not lecturing, merely making comments. I find nothing wrong with the OPs attitude, but you seem kind of hostile and you are throwing out insults where none were given. Are you having a bad day?

    fire January 14, 2017 8:41 pm

    Lol, I'm so confused, did I not just mention 2 times already that I'm studying engineering, not art? Why would I take a post-secondary art class?

    I did take art in highschool, however, and know that good constructive criticism isn't just telling someone that their art sucks so much it's a chore to read. It's about helping someone improve by telling them what they need to work on: the anatomy, lineart, design features (clothing, background) etc. Seems like you're the one who needs to learn what it is.

    fire January 14, 2017 8:46 pm

    And by the way, a teacher being rude about your art without explaining the issues they have with it doesn't mean they're good at their job. it means they lack communication skills.

    And really? you find nothing wrong with the person, who has to keep reminding everyone that they got a masters degree in art and that they're an educator (but who certainly doesn't act like one)? And whos too ignorant to see why some people can't afford to go to art school?

    Are you sure you two aren't related or anything?

    tokidoki January 14, 2017 9:39 pm
    And by the way, a teacher being rude about your art without explaining the issues they have with it doesn't mean they're good at their job. it means they lack communication skills. And really? you find nothing ... fire

    Over reaction much? I had four years of art educators, some were harsh and offered little explanation for their opinions, and some were great, but art is hard to teach and many of my particular professors had large egos and tenure. As for the degree - the OP mentioned it once - just once, when some one wondered whether they needed to go to art school. And as I had my own struggles with paying for art school, I can also sympathize - it is one of the most expensive programs on campus. And you are really judgmental.

    O.M.Jeannie January 14, 2017 9:42 pm

    I agree with fire on this. Those are not just mean teachers that you encountered, tokidoki, but also bad. Teachers are supposed to guide students. They don't have to hold their hands all the way, but at least should offer suggestions or give hints on what areas that need to be improved. If you are working in the industry, you would want this advice, so that you can get hired. There are certain things that companies are looking for, and it would be wise for the teacher to tell students about it so that they can present a good portfolio. And in the industry, constructive criticism is something that you need to be able to give out. OP should have pointed out what needed work instead of simply telling the comic artist "to attend an art school." Anyone could have written this comment. You wouldn't want your English teacher to simply just say, "Fix this essay." What part or parts do they want fix? How does this help you as a student in any way?

    O.M.Jeannie January 14, 2017 9:58 pm

    I understand that there are bad teachers everywhere. However, this comic artist is most likely just a hobbyist and isn't looking to become a professional. There's no reason to tell them that the only way to improve is to go to an art school. It's just rude. I don't have problems with what OP said except for this last bit. My teacher said that sometimes you just have to be brutally honest if you want to help your friend out. Don't say stuff like, "It's cute," and nothing else when there are obvious problems in their work. It's fine if OP was honest about how they felt that reading the comic was a chore, but tell the artist what MADE it a chore. Maybe the artist is just starting out. Everyone started off somewhere, right? Just tell them, "Hey, dude, maybe you should fix the shoulders a bit and keep them aligned. The right one looks a bit higher than the other." Or, "You should work on the girls some more. Even minor characters should look great too, right? Put some more detail into them." These tiny things help a lot. And when they accomplish it, it feels good especially when someone tells them that they worked hard and did well. Just encourage people. Don't put them down.

    tokidoki January 14, 2017 10:47 pm
    I understand that there are bad teachers everywhere. However, this comic artist is most likely just a hobbyist and isn't looking to become a professional. There's no reason to tell them that the only way to imp... O.M.Jeannie

    I don't think the OP had plans to give tips to the artist - as they are not usually on these sites, so what would have been the point (this is just my thoughts - the OP has not replied to any further comments)
    I did have a few 'bad' teachers in school, but that kind of prepared me for the real world where non-arty types offer up their opinions without explaining why they like or hate a work. And art is so very subjective.