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I wish he could just leave both of them and move on but knowing how the story is going to ...

Kip March 4, 2024 1:56 am

I wish he could just leave both of them and move on but knowing how the story is going to end up I'd rather he chooses the omega than that other child that throws tantrum everytime something doesn't go the way he wants it to

    Junghooked March 4, 2024 4:33 am

    So he should choose a manipulating asshole who drugged him to sleep with him?

    Kip March 4, 2024 1:46 pm
    So he should choose a manipulating asshole who drugged him to sleep with him? Junghooked

    I'm not saying that he didn't do any of that and that he's a saint, what he did was so fucked up.. but do you think it would be better to choose someone that pretty much convinced him to become sex partners ignoring completely that the mc developed romantic feelings for him and neglecting him by using the mc as a subtitute for his past, now gone, reminisced love? At least the other one is sincere and stayed by his side during hard times..

    Junghooked March 5, 2024 9:07 pm
    I'm not saying that he didn't do any of that and that he's a saint, what he did was so fucked up.. but do you think it would be better to choose someone that pretty much convinced him to become sex partners ign... Kip

    I mean they are both adults he agreed to be sex partners and I know the alpha is not a saint but I can understand his dilemma he was in love with omega for so long so suddenly feeling these feelings for someone new is absurd to him I would much rather choose a dump person over an exploiter