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Oh Shizuma…

Nana March 4, 2024 2:19 am

I’m with Minato on the latest chapters. Shizuma knows already how Minato grew up. He knows that Minato is very insecure when it comes to women and seeing him overly friendly. And honestly, I’m glad he set his boundaries with Shizuma cause he needs them. Shizuma is really so nice to everyone and I’m sorry but please think more about the person you want to spend the rest of your life with and make them feel as secure as they can be.

Shizuma already had this problem with Yuka and not being able to spend time with them, but it’s like old habits die hard cause he’s repeating his behavior. Not that I’m saying that Minato will cheat the way she did, he’s better than that, but Minato will feel the same way Yuka did but even moreso cause Minato is very jealous and expressive. Gahhh.

It’s a shame cause Shizuma is such a good guy and I really love him as an ML, but I’m so tired of this trope with bringing in a random character to make it “cheaty”. Couldn’t they think of a different storyline while continuing?

I love this couple so much, they’re one of my favorites of all time, but this last volume really lessened my… interest? Idk not really interest I guess but it’s just not letting me root for Shizuma. I’m only in it for my pretty boy Minato:(
