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Team Ian

cesuke March 4, 2024 12:10 pm

So we ended the present with Ian not having a good term with Sol in which there's a misunderstanding that he misses Brian so much and just sees him instead of Ian. I felt bad for Ian and wanted them to clear out the miscommunication but then author shows a super long backstory which shows how much Sol loves Brian who almost was an opposite of the character that is Ian today.

I know Brian is like a green flag and they are like suppose to be one person but this backstory is turning me as one of his haters. And Sol's, too. Maybe I am refusing to see the connection between Brian and Ian because I feel bad for the latter that's why I couldn't see it??? I'll hate them more if Ian will just magically transform into the past and everything that he's today will be gone.

I want Ian to be his own person but it feels like he's just a substitute to Brian and I really hate it. I wish he will just leave the fuck out of the dragons' lives and dont ever come back.
