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somebody tells me is it Doumeki and Yashiro???

    Anonymous May 1, 2017 7:41 am

    isn t from Doumenki
    is it from this

    vikido May 1, 2017 3:41 pm
    isn t from Doumenkiis it from this @Anonymous


    clouds June 6, 2018 6:26 pm

    No, the man who gets stamped on the forehead is Masato Karashima who transports drugs illegally, he also is involved in this business to try and get in touch with his dad who I think is the boss of some gang?. The other man is Masaki Hozumi, who introduced himself originally to Masato as being a Yakuza member who wanted him to do a job for him. Really Masaki is a police officer, hence why after Masato gets out of prison he says this is the first time having sex with the real him, or something like that. (Should be vague enough not to spoil everything)