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Ok eunyoung is always highly suspicious and gets anxious but that's why he catches signs s...

rey March 5, 2024 3:10 am

Ok eunyoung is always highly suspicious and gets anxious but that's why he catches signs so fast. This does mean he sometimes pics up false flags and can harm good relationships but right now Haejoon needs to get away from his dad. Eunyoung wants the best for him.

He's right, blood family doesn't always matter, home is where people you love the most are and weirdly enough, eunyoung and Haejoon are each other's home now

    idkwhatimdoing March 5, 2024 4:44 am

    I agree. I think the reason why he catches signs of things like domestic abuse or extortion, things like that in general, is because he has experienced things like that growing up. Honestly, I wish they could just have a break and be happy silly teenagers :((