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Something I remembered

Meh March 5, 2024 12:09 pm

Lol I remember that I was an anime fan before I could taste any Japanese cuisine and I was very disappointed when I first tasted an authentic ramen because it was tasteless (all I could taste was salt and little umami) and didn't live up to my expectations. I tried other Japanese foods then and it was either gross/tasteless so when I read manga/novels praising Japanese cuisine endlessly afterwards, I just roll my eyes because I felt disillusioned.

Anyways, that was two decades ago. I can now eat Japanese cuisine and find some of them especially tasty lols but it's really not as great as it is hyped up especially when you're born in a country rich in spices. It truly depends on a person if their tastebuds likes your culture's food or not.

    drifting March 8, 2024 12:32 am

    I noticed this too, most japanese food taste like very light dashi or soy sauce and i’m not a huge fan . I cook, so I’m able to adjust/add flavor. If you’re interested, you should try rolled omelet with curry and garlic powder or ginger pork with some chili flakes. They’re pretty easy to make.