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Why do I like this manga?

Mayo Nessa March 6, 2024 8:59 am

Might not be the reason you think. I don't much care for skeptics but I come from a family who's had their fair share of supernatural experiences. I for one can't see them (technically I did just once) but I have a friend who can. The fact that he said "Oh wow that's realistic" got me all bothered and interested with the story. Personally, I thought the creepy feeling I got while reading this seemed so real. Now I know why.

    strawberry March 8, 2024 3:34 am

    Wow what the heck. Are you being for real??

    Mayo Nessa March 8, 2024 3:56 am
    Wow what the heck. Are you being for real?? strawberry

    Hahaha Yes I am. Some might not believe it but I really do. Especially after that one time I mentioned of seeing one, my best friend saw the same thing. A tall figure that looks like a silhouette but was physically there - so tall and gangly (almost like slenderman tall) with its head angled to its shoulder because the roof was low. No physical features. Just a physical shadow if that makes sense. We often joked after that, that those animes/mangas where some characters would control shadows was actually kinda frightening.

    LIGMA March 16, 2024 3:08 am

    Same with my family, I can't see them though, it's just that some shaman said that my Mom got on some dark energy sticks on her and that's why she got sick, we tried the hospital at first but the doctor said she's normal, but she doesn't look normal, she looks dead, what the f*ck?? are they doctor or what, luckily some quack witch doctor said it will be fine as long as we visit church all the time and move out of our place to get rid something bad. Still, that experience seems unrealistic but Mom's ok now.

    Randomfujoshi April 28, 2024 10:13 pm

    My fam have a bit of experience with those as well, I never really believed them until they tell another person so seriously (i.e. my dad) and one of my younger cousin have a third eye and she's very young and says that there was a kid with a concave head in the corner of her room, hence why she always have night lights all over her rooms (their house is very old, and actually have a history when you look it up), my auntie never told anyone
    and doesn't believe it, but it kinda bother her, until one time a coworker of her who's also somewhat have those senses(idk what they are called) told my auntie that she should probably closed her daughter 's third eye, that's when she started to believe and she asked her coworker for help to close the third eye. for my dad idk if he can still see or not, I thought he was just joking one time until he told my mom so seriously, and he's not really one to joke around like that. After that I was wishing not to get any kind of stuff related to those creepy stuff, might as well be ignorant to those scary stuff than see one ┗( T﹏T )┛