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lost my braincells reading this..

Ichigo March 6, 2024 6:00 pm

these tropes are genuinely so fcking stupid. Who in their right mind catches feeling after being blackmailed and sexually assaulted?!??? and then the abuser/criminal is suddenly portrayed as some "nice" guy who has his "reasons" for being a predator! glasses bitch should be in jail, not a love interest!

    Hito March 6, 2024 6:40 pm

    Honestly, I was in actual pain reading it. Pain in my brain. It was just so predictable and illogical to a point I was filled with distaste.

    I keep reading to see if the artist would do something to make seme redeemable. They haven't. It's just so low effort.

    Honestly, the uke without the seme is more interesting to me. So I'll probably check back when its finished. I want to know why he works as a rental boyfriend or if there was a reason why the similar cigarette smell mattered in terms of the story.

    Ichigo March 10, 2024 5:55 am
    Honestly, I was in actual pain reading it. Pain in my brain. It was just so predictable and illogical to a point I was filled with distaste.I keep reading to see if the artist would do something to make seme re... Hito

    exactly! the uke is interesting of a character by himself. He seemed like a bright, good-natured, and independent person prior to meeting this motherfcker who ruined everything for me.
    I think his reason for becoming a rental boyfriend was briefly explained. He started doing it because of his sister. He wanted to make women like his sister smile and bring them happiness. so precious!

    Hito March 10, 2024 8:53 pm
    exactly! the uke is interesting of a character by himself. He seemed like a bright, good-natured, and independent person prior to meeting this motherfcker who ruined everything for me. I think his reason for be... Ichigo

    Ooh, thanks. I must have missed it!