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nexukun7 March 7, 2024 9:17 am

Coming back to this and seeing my old comments from 2019… like no way? I was around 15/16 and I’m now almost 21. I’m crying bc i definitely don’t agree with past me as much… I’m really not rooting for anyone…but to be honest, im not a fan of Jun either. Don’t get me wrong… hyeonwoo is extremely flawed, as everyone else is, but Jun not saying I love you back 5 years in is actually insane. I think Subin needs alone time at this rate.

    yup March 8, 2024 8:01 pm

    Are you maybe confusing Jun with Subin? It was said that Subin has never said that he loves Jun in chapter 68:

    Subin says: "We've never talked about that kind of thing. In fact, this is the first time you've ever asked me that".

    Jun says": "You've asked me a thousand times, and I've always told you that I loved you every time. I can't even count how many times".

    nexukun7 March 25, 2024 6:32 am
    Are you maybe confusing Jun with Subin? It was said that Subin has never said that he loves Jun in chapter 68:Subin says: "We've never talked about that kind of thing. In fact, this is the first time you've eve... yup

    Jun says that he’s not sure he loves Subin somewhere in the story

    yup March 27, 2024 12:12 am

    I was just commenting on "Jun not saying I love you back 5 years in" - which is just not true and actually the opposite - which honestly shocked me when I first read it and felt bad for Jun.

    I think at the beginning of the story Jun told Subin that he wasn't sure if he loved him, but one of the main plots of season 1 was Jun realizing that he cares too much about Subin and likes him too much even though he knows Subin is using him as a tool for consolation. And let's be honest, it's not like Subin was so invested in their relationship in the beginning as well (for example saying Hyeonwo's name during sex with Jun, calling him the next day to come pick him up after Hyeonwo had left him in the rain - and yet he still did it, even though he was pretty mad about that situation).

    I'm only saying it though because I believe if anyone deserved better in this story it would be Jun, but if being with Subin makes him happy, then great! I actually liked the 2nd season because we finally were shown that Subin actually cares about Jun and Jun can finally breathe a little and show some insecurities or flaws.

    Sorry for the rambling, that's just my interpretation ;)

    nexukun7 March 28, 2024 7:17 am
    I was just commenting on "Jun not saying I love you back 5 years in" - which is just not true and actually the opposite - which honestly shocked me when I first read it and felt bad for Jun. I think at the begi... yup

    It doesn’t really matter because regardless, neither of them should have a difficult time saying I love you and Jun was extremely patronizing towards Subin. They both were flawed and would have been better off without each other. The ending was basically “we still have these issues but at least we know we love each other” and that doesn’t work for long term relationships. You can have your interpretation, I’m just not a fan of their relationship or really either of them and how they act in it

    yup April 1, 2024 9:15 pm

    Ok, thank you for letting me have my interpretation, lol. I liked the second season, but I wouldn't say I liked the ending that much, here - something we can agree on ;)