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Just wanna see your opinion

Hulala March 7, 2024 5:31 pm

Hey guys,this doesnt have any relate to manga,but if u can give example you can refer to any manga/hua/hwa.

so guys,in your imagination or opinion how do you describe handsome based on what u imagine or u like?Can u guys like explain ?becoz i'm pretty sure even tho in any manga/hua/hwa they were draw beautifully or handsome based on the imagination of the one who draw the art.But what exactly your description/type guys of handsome?

    ✨Suujin March 7, 2024 6:06 pm

    Cant describe it exactly but asian guys (or half) with similar eyes to Joji. It's not chinky since his eyes are big and round. But they have the "slits" and deep/prominent eye lid folds

    Shoto's waifu March 7, 2024 6:43 pm

    good question, I love beautiful things, such as looks, personality, things, animals and such, and if we were talking abt (someone that I think handsome/attractive), based on look alone, I think, it'll be their eyes (light brown especially), thick eyebrows to compliment it, and maybe defined jawline ? oh also, honestly I don't really care about that, but their smile, oh gosh, if they have a pretty smile and have a good fashion sense, I'll go feral fr because woofwoof arfghxhhcjxhchndhx 100 times attractive ngl