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This looks good, but I'm soo confused of the Host identity. Like does the system like the ...

jamme82736 March 7, 2024 7:15 pm

This looks good, but I'm soo confused of the Host identity. Like does the system like the person who is dead in that body, or the host that possess the body, or are they the same? Because everytime they have a conversion with flash back, it seem like a two person, but also talk as if it is a one person.

    AnZhe April 3, 2024 12:50 pm

    The system likes the host in that body, if you pay attention at the start where the system chooses a host, he talks about him. The other systems also tease him about it being his 'first love' so yeah the system likes the host not the body owner

    cold hearted June 4, 2024 11:15 pm
    The system likes the host in that body, if you pay attention at the start where the system chooses a host, he talks about him. The other systems also tease him about it being his 'first love' so yeah the system... AnZhe

    i'm confused isn't the host and the body owner the same person or 2 different people?