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ugly crying about how stupid this is

Lexii March 8, 2024 12:02 am

I mean stupid in a positive way bc ngl i was expecting it to be some heavy drama but its so lighthearted and dumb like our mc has braindead energy and she just goes around being clueless when the clues are smacking her in the face. I mean to be fair you cant rly expect her to pick up all the information even if shes a reader of the OG story. She has technically already changed the plot with how shes been acting so her information is kinda just..... useless now

    Lexii March 8, 2024 12:03 am

    if its not obvious yet, i love the story, its so braindead and funny which is a sharp contrast from my life which makes it even better 10/10 would recommend if you like dumb humor disguised as drama