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Pomegranate March 8, 2024 9:58 am

Love the art but…come on. LMAO. The story has all the potential but it felt very focused on the intimate scenes and not enough on character and story. It felt like all the climaxes and issues were resolved in underwhelming manners.

The most disrespectful aspect of it all is YUJIN. (╯°Д °)╯╧╧ That man deserves it all and I was but disheartened when I would giggle about him to remind myself that this man was not the endgame. Insoo is cool or whatever but the story just doesn’t build him, bro can ignore the main guy for like months and they just kiss and make up?! So much wasted potential as I personally see it…At least Yujin actually ends up with me guys, TRUST.
