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Chapter 43-45

LaNansha March 8, 2024 11:18 am

First of, thanks for the update. 3 chapters at once was fun.

Second of, Noah’s relationship with the bastard prince certainly makes for an interesting dynamic. They’re two little psychopaths as far as I can tell.

Third of, the princess and Diana’s bxtch of a sister are two peas in a pod: wanting to force men who don’t love them to marry them. Then they can act all wounded and shocked when they realize that it doesn’t change the way those men treat them. On that matter…

1. I can’t wait for the day the delusional princess wakes the F up and realizes she has NO CHANCE with Noah. There is no breaking him and Diana up.

2. I hope the sister experiences a loveless marriage until the day she dies. That or the lieutenant finally manages to divorce her. I wonder if he’s related to Diana in some way. I’d prefer that rather than him being in love with her. I also want Diana and Noah to go to the wedding just so the liteunant can act more interested in them than in his own bride
