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I've reread this a couple of times now...

dontcri March 8, 2024 6:52 pm

If you're so keen on being a Dojin stan and would not want to here my thoughts on this one, better skedaddle because, oh boy, you'll get mad at me for this.

Anyways, okay first of all, someone pointed out how Dojin didn't rape Hyesung because he was in his heat. Might I remind you, that a) Hyesung was not his right state of mind because of his heat; b) Dojin was in the RIGHT STATE OF MIND; and c) Dojin knew that Hyesung would just on him that second time Hyesung went on heat but he still didn't stop Hyesung. Second, I love Byul and all but... It's Hyesung's body? And whether or not he wants to get an embryo out of his womb was supposed to be his decision, not Dojin's— HYESUNG'S. Hyesung's the one carrying the baby, so it's within his rights to get that embryo out, it's yet to even be a fetus lol. Third, imagine growing up a certain belief and that belief going 360 overnight? Yep, that's what happened to Hyesung. It's not easy to overturn the belief you had injected into your system, it's like telling a chronic smoker (which is treated by slowly reducing the amount of cigars they consume per day because if you just cut it off their body reacts negatively) to stop smoking, when it's already part of their body's routine. So, Hyesung running away from “the kind, rich, handsome, understanding alpha” that Dojin is is completely and utterly understandable. Fourth, Hyesung slept with another man? (I think this was after Byul was born? Idk, my current rereading chapter is at 20 so I forgot) Well, so? It's not like he knew he was bonded to Dojin and it's not like they were going out at that point, honestly, never, at any given point, did they explicitly stated that they were going out lol, they just became a couple after finding out they were bonded, and somehow just jumped to getting engaged. Fifth, ngl Hyesung deserved to be compensated, he's a carrying a baby for pete's sake, a baby he was unwilling to have (at first) but was coerced to by Dojin. So, all the things Dojin spent on Hyesung and the money he was gonna compensate Hyesung was, was all damn deserved lol. Sixth, it's annoying how some (if not a lot) if you make it sound like Dojin's the victim, when Hyesung's clearly the victim. Again, let's go back to the first statement, Hyesung was not on his right mind, he was experiencing his first few heat cycles. It might not be the same, but it's comparable to someone getting drunk and getting laid (even if permission was given, a drunk person's consent SHOULD NOT BE TAKEN AS A VALID CONSENT). Lastly, good god, dude somehow redeemed himself after all the drama during and a brief timeline after the pregnancy, so hooray for that.

People might say I just like Hyesung that's why I'm hating on Dojin— No. No, not really. I don't really like him that much, but I grew to like him when he was everything about him unfolded... Ah! Let's also add the familial trauma his parents had given him to the reasons why Hyesung is the victim and not Dojin... Anyways, yep, when Hyesung was unraveled to us, he somehow warmed up to me, while Dojin, Idk, he's just rich lol. His parents aren't problematic, his sibling's aren't problematic. His life's sailing smoothly.

So maybe, I do like Hyesung? I kinda feel parental towards him lol.

As for Dojun and Heesoo, Idk, they're okay, but they're not my cup of tea? Or maybe I'm not fond of reading another couple's story lol, it happens a lot (Since Idk, I don't like Chanwoo and MD). But, yep, I don't like them that much, I'm not as attached to them, maybe if their story was not in this book but in a different book? Like, they click, but they didn't click enough in this manhwa and they should have one on their own.

For the last couple, goddammit. I don't know their names, I don't want to know their names, they are known as... Side Character 1, and Side Character 2. Kidding aside, by the time that I reached their story I felt like LIAI has already ran it's course and another story is just well— It's a no for me— so I skipped it, as well as Dojin's sister's affair (wanted to but idk, felt off).

Final thoughts, this is a pretty good story, that I'd find myself enjoying without criticism if I was still 16-18. Felt too dragged out with the side stories but if you like the characters enough to bother reading through it then good for you.

tl;dr: Hyesung's a victim, Dojin's a piece of shit, Dojun&Haesoo's story was just okay, and the last side character, well, i dont know them.

    baguetteclaro March 9, 2024 6:41 am

    sure i get you. but 1) during the first case dojin did want to get medicine, but hyesung clung on to him - so what could he do? slap hyesung away? he legit took responsibility after that. 2) second time when hyesung topped dojin - i mean dojin didn't know that it was heat induced i think? but yeah lets say dojin raped hyesung.
    3) THE PREGNANCY. thats what i dont get. dojin wanted hyesung to have the baby so of course he tried to persuade him and he happened to have the exact thing hyesung wanted. wealth. in the end it was hyesung who said "sure i will give birth if you follow my terms and conditions" it wasnt entirely a baby-trapping or a forced pregnancy. it was accidental sure, but dojin wasnt forcing, he was persuading hyesung. 4) the cheating attempt i dont have any issue with that so

    imo you shouldnt be blaming it all on dojin. hyesung was at fault too. heesoo as well if we count what happened after byul's birth. but whats important is that we see how every character developed. dojin and hyesung and heesoo, all three had MAJOR character developments. dojin did everything to make up cuz he blamed himself on hyesungs life being tangled with the seons. hyesung did say a lot of things like he hated everything and all. BUT isnt it normal to be emotional especially when you're going through a tough time. he came to love byul, we all know that. no offence but you could stop being stuck on the rape and babytrapping part and also see how well the story developed and progressed in the end.

    dontcri March 9, 2024 8:55 am

    Hence why I said “Lastly, good god, dude somehow redeemed himself after all the drama during and a brief timeline after the pregnancy, so hooray for that.”

    Well, the main reason for the post was to point out Dojin's shitty behaviour, since I remember when I first read the book how people shit on Hyesung.

    Never did I say Hyesung or Hesoo was not at fault. Actually, I did find Heesoo annoying at some point but understood why he was doing it, so I just don't blame him as much as I do blame Dojin. As for Hyesung, he's at fault, but again he's a victim, a lot of his actions can be regarded to his naivety and lack of experience.

    And taking responsibility, if you meant taking care of Hyesung after what he did then alright, I understand, but if you mean taking care of Hyesung by giving him what he wants? Again, Hyesung wasn't in the right mind due to his heat that he was experiencing for the first time in his life, Dojin was, and if pushing Hyesung away was a way to stop all the nonsense, he should have. The first time was fine, but a second time? He just laid there fully knowing what Hyesung would do.

    As for the pregnancy, alright, I'll give that to you.

    Nielle March 12, 2024 6:31 pm

    I have been commenting like this everytime a fucker opens their mouth saying "dOjIN REedEEmeD" "dOjIn is a ViCTim" dude stfu, I just need people to put themselves in hyesungs's position and imagine, whatever he did was so very brave of him. Hyesung is a complex character with lots of layers unlike dojin and his layers make him special and really tells that he is a victim. and you wrote perfectly about it all

    HRAensn March 27, 2024 6:15 am
    I have been commenting like this everytime a fucker opens their mouth saying "dOjIN REedEEmeD" "dOjIn is a ViCTim" dude stfu, I just need people to put themselves in hyesungs's position and imagine, whatever he... Nielle

    Trust me. If it was a woman all the comments wouldn’t be hating so much on Hyesung.

    rplilies2011 April 5, 2024 4:34 am
    sure i get you. but 1) during the first case dojin did want to get medicine, but hyesung clung on to him - so what could he do? slap hyesung away? he legit took responsibility after that. 2) second time when hy... baguetteclaro

    found the rape justifier

    baguetteclaro April 6, 2024 5:38 am
    found the rape justifier rplilies2011

    i literally said "sure i get you" and didnt talk anymore after one comment cuz i accepted the point lol