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Yall are weird

Yourmama March 8, 2024 11:13 pm

I do not like the way yall are speaking on my baby Ian. He is not responsible for Jo's feelings, especially when Jo involved himself with Ian. Ian didn't ask for that shit, bro got obsessed and suddenly it's Ian's problem? I'm not even trying to hate on Jo here.

    Norn March 9, 2024 2:09 pm

    Ian is playing around with Jo AND TJ. You can say 'he has no responsibility' to care about others' feelings but if you care about someone and are just a decent human being AND you know two guys are head over heels for you, then you shouldn't play around with them. It's cruel.

    Finstrrr March 10, 2024 7:38 am

    It’s his problem because he let Jo believe there’s a chance. He should’ve shut it down and cut him off.

    Yourmama March 17, 2024 7:55 pm
    Ian is playing around with Jo AND TJ. You can say 'he has no responsibility' to care about others' feelings but if you care about someone and are just a decent human being AND you know two guys are head over he... Norn

    You have to be delusional. Where did you that happen? Ian never made Jo think any of that shit please tell me the chapter that happened? And you're telling me Ian isn't a decent human being because he doesn't want to cater to either of their feelings?

    Yourmama March 17, 2024 7:59 pm
    It’s his problem because he let Jo believe there’s a chance. He should’ve shut it down and cut him off. Finstrrr

    This is such a stupid take. Jo literally left his family earlier than intended just to go back to Ian. He knew there wasn't a chance yet he still chases Ian. Bro is obsessed, but yeah, blame Ian I guess?