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Nooo ML was definitely a jaguar not tiger :c anyway cant wait for ML to appear again ehehe...

Ashkan March 8, 2024 11:34 pm

Nooo ML was definitely a jaguar not tiger :c anyway cant wait for ML to appear again ehehehehehe people gonna go feral but i am gonna go laugh and love FL and ML muahahaj

    yamamabitch March 12, 2024 6:18 am


    Ashkan March 12, 2024 6:31 am
    gross yamamabitch

    Gross my ass . Whats there to be gross about lol if you don't like it drop it (⌒▽⌒) mind you ML was onky for 3 months at the dukedom and then gone for yrs away lol

    yamamabitch March 12, 2024 7:27 am
    Gross my ass . Whats there to be gross about lol if you don't like it drop it (⌒▽⌒) mind you ML was onky for 3 months at the dukedom and then gone for yrs away lol Ashkan

    you're gross. pedophile

    Ashkan March 12, 2024 9:09 am

    B1tch whats the pedophile here?? Did you read it with ur eyes closed the ML is literally an adult go cry smwhere else. Ur just mad bc he is the ML . You cant even tell the Difference between adult and kid pls go learn kid

    Gemi March 12, 2024 1:11 pm
    B1tch whats the pedophile here?? Did you read it with ur eyes closed the ML is literally an adult go cry smwhere else. Ur just mad bc he is the ML . You cant even tell the Difference between adult and kid pls... Ashkan

    She took care of him, it is as disgusting as a teacher dating a former student, or a babysitter dating a child after many years, sick

    Ashkan March 12, 2024 3:41 pm
    She took care of him, it is as disgusting as a teacher dating a former student, or a babysitter dating a child after many years, sick Gemi

    "She took care of him " "sick" go read smthing else then if you don't like it easy as it is why even bother to read lol and mind you she only took him for few months and not more ur point is barely invalid

    Gemi March 14, 2024 12:44 pm
    "She took care of him " "sick" go read smthing else then if you don't like it easy as it is why even bother to read lol and mind you she only took him for few months and not more ur point is barely invalid Ashkan

    Don't worry I can read much worse things than this
    it's 'sick' to hear (potentially) grown people romanticize grooming

    Ashkan March 14, 2024 1:47 pm
    Don't worry I can read much worse things than thisit's 'sick' to hear (potentially) grown people romanticize grooming Gemi

    Bro said grooming when the jaguar is literally an adult while the FL is an adult too

    LESH March 30, 2024 3:23 am

    oh yes, the 1000 year old child, because why would you have an adult being an adult when you can have a child secretly being an adult all the time in secret because that's not important. people have a right to be creeped man don't be mad because people are mad maybe you don't care but don't be weird about it (not my first language)

    Ashkan March 30, 2024 9:24 am
    oh yes, the 1000 year old child, because why would you have an adult being an adult when you can have a child secretly being an adult all the time in secret because that's not important. people have a right to ... LESH

    No way you said that with a straight face he literally got abus3d and couldnt eat anything thats why his growth Hormons was very slow lmfao. Yes people can be creeped out about it but at least its better then those traitorous Assess lol and the people who are getting creeped why don't they get creeped about converince marriage? the double Standards is crazy. And from what u wrote it must be ur first time reading manwhas like this where an ML got abus3d ,traumatized,couldnt grow bc the growth couldnt proceed due to the abus3 and not beeing able to eat lol

    Gemi March 30, 2024 1:39 pm
    No way you said that with a straight face he literally got abus3d and couldnt eat anything thats why his growth Hormons was very slow lmfao. Yes people can be creeped out about it but at least its better then ... Ashkan

    Clawdeen April 2, 2024 12:34 pm
    Gross my ass . Whats there to be gross about lol if you don't like it drop it (⌒▽⌒) mind you ML was onky for 3 months at the dukedom and then gone for yrs away lol Ashkan

    Ehhh groomer

    Ashkan April 2, 2024 3:24 pm
    Ehhh groomer Clawdeen

    Calling me groomer for what i did not do? Crazy ur so mad to the point calling me a groomer bc the ML is way better then those ugly trashes lol. And pls learn what those words mean plus its fiction ahahah

    Clawdeen April 3, 2024 3:57 pm
    Calling me groomer for what i did not do? Crazy ur so mad to the point calling me a groomer bc the ML is way better then those ugly trashes lol. And pls learn what those words mean plus its fiction ahahah Ashkan

    If you justify it, you’re also capable of doing it, stay gross babes

    Ashkan April 3, 2024 6:27 pm
    If you justify it, you’re also capable of doing it, stay gross babes Clawdeen

    Lmao byeee bro takes out words out of his asss bro i never justified i said he is better then those ugly asses ur so gross for that u literally see it that way eeww

    Clawdeen April 4, 2024 10:28 am
    Lmao byeee bro takes out words out of his asss bro i never justified i said he is better then those ugly asses ur so gross for that u literally see it that way eeww Ashkan

    Bro u literally said “love FL and ML can’t wait for him to show up again

    Ashkan April 4, 2024 1:54 pm
    Bro u literally said “love FL and ML can’t wait for him to show up again Clawdeen

    Yes? This is not beeing justifiying its literally not even close lmao .