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YourMochi March 9, 2024 9:52 am

Realistic doesn't mean being tsundere or cold to your lover like it's been 10 years and he still being like that which it sint realistic at all bruh

    hellyeahiluvyaoi March 9, 2024 12:03 pm

    Thats his personality, what got you so salty?
    Not everyone be as cheerful as a sunshine everyday

    YourMochi March 9, 2024 1:26 pm
    Thats his personality, what got you so salty? Not everyone be as cheerful as a sunshine everyday hellyeahiluvyaoi

    No one said being happy all the time is normal but he is cold and thundered all he time which ITS NOT REALISTIC get over it .

    YourMochi March 9, 2024 1:27 pm
    No one said being happy all the time is normal but he is cold and thundered all he time which ITS NOT REALISTIC get over it . YourMochi

    Tsundere **

    mysticeva March 9, 2024 2:32 pm
    Thats his personality, what got you so salty? Not everyone be as cheerful as a sunshine everyday hellyeahiluvyaoi

    lmaooo no one is sunshine cheerful everyday but no is bitchy, hypocritical and cold every day either

    YourMochi March 9, 2024 2:54 pm
    lmaooo no one is sunshine cheerful everyday but no is bitchy, hypocritical and cold every day either mysticeva


    Cloe March 9, 2024 8:30 pm
    Thats his personality, what got you so salty? Not everyone be as cheerful as a sunshine everyday hellyeahiluvyaoi

    I've been with my husband for almost 24 years and I assure you neither of us is exactly the same as we were when we started dating. Even if you are who you are at your core, time and experiencies I've been with my husband for almost 24 years and I assure you neither of us is exactly the same as we were when we started dating. Even if you are who you are at your core, time and experiences and cohabitation changes you. So no, it's not realistc that the MC keeps been exactly the same after ten years.

    stupidthinker March 10, 2024 12:10 pm

    Well, a lot of couples are sweet at the beginning then fight almost everyday or barely talk to each other after being together for years and ended up breaking up. Some of them even get involved in an affair or two. At least just like how his personality never change, so does his feelings and his loyalty towards Wonwoo. That's actually quite hard to find.

    hellyeahiluvyaoi March 10, 2024 12:38 pm
    Well, a lot of couples are sweet at the beginning then fight almost everyday or barely talk to each other after being together for years and ended up breaking up. Some of them even get involved in an affair or ... stupidthinker

    I agree with this. Since day one the author already picture Eunyool personality as cold, grumpy, and cynical but it doesn't mean he is bad. If he is bad, there will be no one want to stay that long as his friend and especially his boyfriend. Wonwoo realize it since day one too, and when they fighting for the first time he made up his mind that if they want to be together then he need to be compromised in this relationship. Is wonwoo ever tired? I bet yeah you could see many times he is complaining but he still love Eunyool and thats how he accept it.
    Being together so long you often forgot that you take that person as granted but that doesn't mean your feeling change
    You can't change personality that easly either. My father change and become more romantic after 25 years marriage with my mom. He usually so indifferent but i knew he love my mom because everytime he came home the first thing he look for is my mom just to stare at her. I never hear he took the initiative to say I love you etc but just by looking I knew his feeling.
    You guys thing Eunyool being unrealistic but in my opinion its just his personality

    crustyasslips March 10, 2024 1:27 pm
    lmaooo no one is sunshine cheerful everyday but no is bitchy, hypocritical and cold every day either mysticeva

    Um excuse me you just described my overall attitude that’s I’ve had everyday since birth

    stupidthinker March 10, 2024 3:42 pm
    I agree with this. Since day one the author already picture Eunyool personality as cold, grumpy, and cynical but it doesn't mean he is bad. If he is bad, there will be no one want to stay that long as his frien... hellyeahiluvyaoi

    Yeah, like, try finding someone who's willing to leave their family for you and struggle with you monetarily when both of you barely step into adulthood and your relationship must be kept secret from the world, maybe forever. Or at least someone who's willing to pick you up so late at night even when they're so tired from being overworked and lacking sleep a couple times a week. Or someone who's willing to accept being treated so horribly by your family, endure it and still treat them nicely for your sake. Or someone who's willing to put down their pride and beg for help from the parent who has disowned them for your sake. They're still together because despite Eunyool's attitude, Wonwoo knew how much Eunyool care about him.

    YourMochi March 10, 2024 7:18 pm
    Yeah, like, try finding someone who's willing to leave their family for you and struggle with you monetarily when both of you barely step into adulthood and your relationship must be kept secret from the world,... stupidthinker

    That doesn't excuse his behavior he knew when he chose to stay with him and the least he could is be a bit "warmer" like seme is treated like that but anyway I just don't understand people like them

    Cid March 11, 2024 2:19 am
    I agree with this. Since day one the author already picture Eunyool personality as cold, grumpy, and cynical but it doesn't mean he is bad. If he is bad, there will be no one want to stay that long as his frien... hellyeahiluvyaoi

    This what I'm talking about to others but even with real life experience they already made their minds that this is toxic. They even call me, an abuser, a toxic person, an indiffrent person, etc. Its so funny. It just takes a simple comment explaining to them the other perspective of things to be "labeled" abusive. Maybe they will call me bully next. They all need to chill out and be open minded. Not all people think like they do.

    Cid March 11, 2024 2:37 am
    That doesn't excuse his behavior he knew when he chose to stay with him and the least he could is be a bit "warmer" like seme is treated like that but anyway I just don't understand people like them YourMochi

    Its fair if you don't understand. Its okay.