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10/10 would recommend to anyone who just wants to binge read in one sitting. Never too bor...

BL_lover March 9, 2024 4:20 pm

10/10 would recommend to anyone who just wants to binge read in one sitting. Never too boring , top was a green flag throughout and they tend to communicate with each other well and not drag their misunderstandings or fights. Overall I love it. One thing tho I kinda actually wanted the author to cover up the issue with ryeohan making sanghwa feel shitty most of the time (?) cuz it was actually a main focus at one chapter but they discarded it when sanghwa and egg Hyung got together. Literally thought ryeohwa was going to be a asshole but my thoughts were wrong.

    Wong April 11, 2024 9:59 pm

    12 am and I'm ready to eat this up in one sitting