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It's frustrating in some ways

hikari March 10, 2024 4:09 am

I know that this type of overacting thing is pretty much common in mangas like this, but everyone seemed to be in a level of stupidity. Firstly, the crown prince? the guy who is super obsessed with spirits. After know that spirits despised royalties, he still wanted to get their powers. Dude, you're reflecting the same, old mistake of the king who started everything.

Secondly, the Aunt. Who the heck needs someone like her? Definitely not the family nor the manga. She's a typical woman, ain't special in some ways, so just ditch her.

Thirdly, the cousin. Cousins, perhaps? Stopped reading after the kidnapping because I need to comment this. She's just like her mother. I get the point that she's been deprived of parental guidance and love, but as an 11-year-old kid, she acts like a toddler. She assumed that shouting at people and raising her chin up would convey everything. Additionally, her father sucked at being a father. She never got a good adult figure, prolly because of her mother's status in the household. It's not like she's at fault, but I just can't help to get annoyed at her. She blamed Ellen and all of a sudden, she's all smugged about it. She's not guided and was a commoner, but she really got a big head fitting for a brat noble kid.

Fourth, I don't know anymore. Everyone got their own flaws. Even Ellen. The story is pretty typical, it's just annoying at some points because of the pacing and weird sudden plots, but it has good potential, I guess?
