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Is it just me

Lizz March 10, 2024 5:58 am

Is it just me or does it feel like the empress and emperor's love story is a little forced?? I think it's partly because we see things from the MC perspective so we don't get a lot of insight into what they do. But it also feels really forced and fake like the emperor is supposed to be an ancient being how is he going to catch feelings so easily. And I also expected the empress to be more mother-like, she's barely there, I mean I know she's trying to build a safe environment and future for her daughter but she also has to know the mental damage she has done and try to communicate more with her daughter more? At this point it's not really a redemption but more of a throw the MC into a good environment surrounding her with friendly people and call it a day, because at the end of the day she barely did anything to really fix her relationship with her daughter. And don't come at me with the "you only say this because she's a female and not with other mangas where there's a neglectful father" because I judge them as well okkkkk!!?!

    Idon'tknowwhoiam March 10, 2024 5:11 pm

    If you read another manhwa where the fem mc married a 'cold' duke or something you can get the understanding on how a man can fall in love with these type of woman cuz yknow they're 'different' from the rest of the flirty noble but as you said this manhwa heavily relied on the little kid instead of the mother so yeah maybe we don't get to see but maybe there's something that the mother do making the emperor falling in love on how 'different' she are maybe cuz she's bold, brave, or something that woman that centuries can't do

    Exoaya March 12, 2024 6:02 am

    simply becauae it's fictional, strong and mysterious and ruthless characters always fall in love in these manhwas, it's a very typical thing

    WildCat March 13, 2024 11:43 pm

    Well, imo it's because we see things from Lyrica's pov, there's also a lot of time skips so we didn't know how much the empress and emperor actually interact, also there's prob a lot of things the empress done behind the scene like noble things.

    When you read normal stories where we follow the one that when back in time, you not always know what lesser character do, in this manwha, Lyrica is that lesser character.

    It's very interesting tbh, seeing stuff from side character pov, also if you notice the scene in this manwha almost 90% following Lyrica so yeah, we didn't know what happened to the 'main' characters when the pov is following her.

    MikaxKrul March 14, 2024 2:02 am
    Well, imo it's because we see things from Lyrica's pov, there's also a lot of time skips so we didn't know how much the empress and emperor actually interact, also there's prob a lot of things the empress done ... WildCat
